
Simple CLI tools for check `ngx-translate` keys

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple tools for check ngx-translate keys in whole app which use regexp and AST (beta).

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Table of Contents


There are a lot of translation ngx-translate keys in the whole app. This repository contains a proposal to check all translation keys in the whole app which should exist in all languages files.



npm install ngx-translate-lint -g


The source code are available for download at GitHub Releases and GitHub pages as well.



Usage: ngx-translate-lint [options]

Simple CLI tools for check `ngx-translate` keys in app

  -p,  --project [glob] (required)
          The path to project folder
          Possible Values: <relative path|absolute path>
          (default: "./src/app/**/*.{html,ts}")
  -l,  --languages [glob] (required)
          The path to languages folder
          Possible Values: <relative path|absolute path>
          (default: "./src/assets/i18n/*.json")
  -v,  --views [enum]
          Described how to handle the error of missing keys on view
          Possible Values: <disable|warning|error>
          (default: "error")
  -z,  --zombies [enum]
          Described how to handle the error of zombies keys
          Possible Values: <disable|warning|error>
          (default: "warning")
  -i,  --ignore [glob]
          Ignore projects and languages files
          Possible Values: <relative path|absolute path>
  -m,  --misprint [enum]
          Try to find matches with misprint keys on views and languages keys.
          Possible Values: <disable|warning|error>
  -mc, --misprintCoefficient [number]
          Coefficient for misprint option can be from 0 to 1.0.
           (default: "0.9")
  -c, --config [path]
          Path to the config file.
  --maxWarning [number]
           Max count of warnings in all files. If this value more that count of warnings, then an error is return
           Possible Values: <number>
           (default: "0")

  -h, --help  output usage information


    $ npx ngx-translate-lint  -p ./src/app/**/*.{html,ts} -l ./src/assets/i18n/*.json'
    $ ngx-translate-lint -p ./src/app/**/*.{html,ts} -l ./src/assets/i18n/*.json'
    $ ngx-translate-lint -p ./src/app/**/*.{html,ts} -z disable -v error

NOTE: For project and languages options need to include file types like on the example.

Default Config is:

    "rules": {
        "keysOnViews": "error",
        "zombieKeys": "warning",
        "misprint": "warning",
        "maxWarning": "0",
        "misprintCoefficient": "0.9",
        "ignoredKeys": [],
        "ignoredMisprintKeys": []
    "project": "./src/app/**/*.{html,ts}",
    "languages": "./src/assets/i18n/*.json"

Exit Codes

The CLI process may exit with the following codes:

  • 0: Linting succeeded without errors (warnings may have occurred)
  • 1: Linting failed with one or more rule violations with severity error
  • 2: An invalid command line argument or combination thereof was used


import { NgxTranslateLint, IRulesConfig, ResultCliModel, ErrorTypes, LanguagesModel} from 'ngx-translate-lint';

const viewsPath: string = './src/app/**/*.{html,ts}';
const languagesPath: string = './src/assets/i18n/*.json';
const ignoredLanguagesPath: string = "./src/assets/i18n/ru.json, ./src/assets/i18n/ru-RU.json";
const ruleConfig: IRulesConfig = {
        keysOnViews: ErrorTypes.error,
        zombieKeys: ErrorTypes.warning,
        misprint: ErrorTypes.warning,
        maxWarning: 0,
        misprintCoefficient: 0.9,
        ignoredKeys: [ 'EXAMPLE.KEY' ],
        ignoredMisprintKeys: []

const ngxTranslateLint = new NgxTranslateLint(viewsPath, languagesPath, ignoredLanguagesPath, ruleConfig)
const resultLint: ResultCliModel = ngxTranslateLint.lint(); // Run Lint
const languages: LanguagesModel[] = ngxTranslateLint.getLanguages()  // Get Languages with all keys and views


If you have error Can't resolve 'fs' in .... Please add next setting to you project:

  • webpack.js: (angular.webpack.json)
config.externals = {
    "fs": 'require("fs")'
  • tsconfig.json
   "skipLibCheck": true


You may contribute in several ways like requesting new features, adding tests, fixing bugs, improving documentation or examples. Please check our contributing guidelines.

Used By

Here can be your extensions:

  • 121 Platform - 121 is an open source platform for Cash based Aid built with Digital Identity & Local/Global Financial service partners.
