

Flatiron-Disk-Jockey is a web app that allows users to create mashups by playing two Youtube Videos simultaneously. They can control tempo, volume, and crossfade between the videos to create a unique auditory and visual experience. Users can save the pairings of the videos that they mash up and share them with the rest of the Flatiron-Disk-Jockey community. All logged in Users have access to mashups shared by other users, and can load them up to the mixer to mix. Users can signup by entering their information, or by login in with Facebook.


Please visit: http://flatiron-disk-jockey.herokuapp.com/ to view a live version of Flatiron-Disk-Jockey.

Built With


  • React, v15.6.1
  • Semantic-ui-react, v0.71.3
  • React-dom, v15.6.1
  • React-Router-Dom, v4.1.2
  • React-Scripts, v1.0.11
  • React-Youtube, v7.4.0
  • YoutTube, API for youtube videos.
  • YouTube Player, API for youtube video controls.


  • Ruby-On-Rails, v5.1.3
  • Ruby, v2.3.1
  • Postgres, 0.18


  • Pat Pasquale Rocchio
  • Chris Dascoli
  • Pradeep Dayaram
  • Sammy Goldsmith


Thank you Flatiron School for imparting the knowledge to be able to build this project!