SuperCode (Version


Well, now VB developers do not have to worry any more about API's for having custom menus, system information, system tray access, multiline and balloon tooltips. All are under one roof. Just a reference to a DLL to your VB project and that's it. With just one line of code, you can create wonders to VB code and that too very very professional.

Making Developer's Life Easier.. !!

More Info

Contains some feature requests from users in the new version.

Submitted On 2002-06-18 15:30:46
By Shantibhushan Naik
Level Advanced
User Rating 5.0 (675 globes from 136 users)
Compatibility VB 6.0
Category OLE/ COM/ DCOM/ Active-X
World Visual Basic
Archive File

API Declarations

REM /* You find most of them in the source code. */