
Codebase for tetrisgod.com

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Codebase for tetraka.com


Chris Choy (contact@chrischoy.net)
Cole Koester (cole.koester@tufts.edu)

Running the Code

After cloning the project or checking out a branch, always run the setup.sh script. This will ensure your environment is primed to run the app out of the box.

Note: We have two package.json files. One is for testing, building, and running just our React UI. The other is for running the entire server which will use the currently built version of the React UI. See File Structure for help in understanding this.

Dependency management

npm install package-name --save - for installing new modules. writes to package & package-lock.json.
npm ci - install module dependencies determined by package & package-lock.json

Testing the Server

If you want to test the entire server as it would be seen in production, using the compiled build/ files for the UI and simulating actual client-server communications, you'll want to run the entire server. These commands must be run from the tetraka/tetraka/ directory.

npm start - runs the entire server on localhost
npm run build - recompile the server and react-ui. Must be run for changes to be shown in localhost.
npm run tsc - compiles the server ts files to js
npm run clean - remove all js files from server/models

Testing React-UI

This is for when you want to just test that the UI components are working properly. These commands must be run from within the tetraka/tetraka/react-ui directory to reference the correct package.json stored there.

npm start - compiles and runs app on localhost (this uses the raw files, not the build ones)
npm run test - runs unit and integration tests
npm run build - builds the optimized application artifact for production deployment.

Hosting and Deployment

At the moment, Tetraka uses heroku to host the web application. For our initial deployment onto tetraka.herokuapp.com, we ran the following:

$ heroku apps:create tetraka
$ ./deploy.sh
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
$ heroku open

For future updates to the production build, run only the deploy.sh script. As is, only Admin Chris may deploy to the tetraka heroku app and only from the master branch.


Tetraka utilizes Typescript running on Node.js to fulfill its server and backend code requirements. ReactJS is used to fulfill the user interface requirements. The entire application must be built following HTML5 standards without the aid of Flash (deprecated as of 2020) or other browser plugins.


Under the hood, Tetraka is a single page browser application. That is, all content is accessed and updated on the index.html page. We simulate a multi-page application by using the React-Router package. In addition to the UI, Tetraka also answers API and PING calls through the /api and /ping pages.


The logic for Tetraka games is handled server side so as to eliminate cheating. The game states can only be updated by the server and clients can only emit movement keys. This approach reflects the philosophy that we shouldn't blindly trust packets received from the client.

To reduce communication overhead within the sockets, the server only broadcasts a simple 2D integer array which represents the game state to players. All rendering logic is done client-side.

Abbreviations & Definitions

js - JavaScript
ts - TypeScript
npm - Node Package Manager
tsc - TypeScript Compiler
.tsx - Typescript + XML file for React

File Structure

| react-ui/
	| node_modules/ - node dependency modules. managed by npm.  
	| public/ - files accessible on client side.  
	    | imgs/    
	    | index.html
	    | manifest.json - specifies installation metadata  
	    | robots.txt - specifies robot access preferences
	| src/ - business logic and react files.  
	    | components/ - React components/containers  
	    | css/
	    | media/
	    | test/ - testing scripts  
	    | App.jsx - root for the entire react application
	    | index.jsx - bridges App and index.html
	    | serviceWorker.js - allows for offline app access. we don't use it
	| package.json - npm config.  
	| package-lock.json - specifies static versions of dependencies. 
	| tsconfig.json - tsc config for typescript transpiler.
| server/
	| models/ - business logic files for nodejs server. *DO NOT* put .js files in here.
	| index.js - server root file
| app.json - specifies Heroku config
| package.json - npm config.  
| package-lock.json - tracks precise dependency versions for reinstalls. 
| tsconfig.json - tsc config
| deploy.sh - script for deploying to production
| setup.sh - script for setting up dev environment

Tetrimino Names

Per the "original" NES instruction booklet, our tetriminoes are otherwise known as:

  • L block : Orange Ricky
  • J block : Blue Ricky
  • Z block : Cleveland Z
  • S block : Rhode Island Z
  • I block : Hero
  • T block : Teewee
  • O block : Smashboy