
Boilerplate for getting up & running locally with GCP Cloud Functions development. Includes testing and CI/CD.

Important Note: Do not use cloud-functions-emulator. It has been deprecated.


Get nvm and node10 installed locally, then install global deps:

$ npm i -g firebase-tools mocha

Then clone this repo, cd into its directory, and do:

$ pushd http && npm i && popd
$ pushd pubsub && npm i && popd

to install deps for the http and pubsub example functions.

You might also need to create a topic if you're using your own GCP project:

$ gcloud beta pubsub topics create

When you're ready to work, cd into the appropriate directory and do:

$ npm start

# in another terminal
$ npm test

This runs a small local function and runs unit/integration tests against it.

Output for the HTTP function:

~/Projects/gcp-functions-playground/http  λ npm test

> gcp-functions-playground@1.0.0 test /Users/carlodicelico/Projects/gcp-functions-playground/http
> export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 && mocha test/*.test.js --exit

  ✓ helloHttp: should print a name
  ✓ helloHttp: should print hello world
  ✓ helloHttp: should print a name from a query param
  ✓ helloHttp: should print a name from the body
  ✓ helloHttp: should print the default name

  5 passing (31ms)

Output for the Pubsub function:

~/Projects/gcp-functions-playground/pubsub λ npm test

> gcp-functions-playground@1.0.0 test /Users/carlodicelico/Projects/gcp-functions-playground/pubsub
> export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8181 && mocha test/*.test.js --exit


  3 passing (1s)


In progress...