
Log viewer, Android logcat viewer for Windows, Linux, Mac

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Log viewer, Android logcat viewer for Windows, Linux, Mac

Filtered log viewer

Online / offline logcat view

Regular expression filter

Aging Test : Save split file by lines

Kotlin + swing



Windows : start javaw -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Xmx1024m -jar LogNote.jar
Linux : java -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Xmx2048m -jar LogNote.jar
Mac : java -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Xmx2048m -jar LogNote.jar

Config path

Save to the path set in the environment variable "LOGNOTE_HOME"
Default current path


  1. Read Cmd: Read the result after executing the command (ex: adb logcat)
    • You must set the Scrollback value.
      • If the value is not set, logs pile up and occur hang.
      • Recommended - Scrollback: 100000 (approximately 10 Mbytes), enable “Split File” option
  2. Read File: Read a file (File > Open, read multiple files continuously)
    • Multiple files : Drag & drop or File > Open files
    • Append files : Ctrl + drag & drop or File > append files
    • Save recent file view config on exit(filters, bookmarks)
    • Open recent files: set to saved view config
  3. Follow File: Continue reading logs added to the file (ex: adb logcat > a.log, File > Follow - a.log)
    • Used when you want to read the log of processing results of commands other than adb

Shortcut keys

  1. Ctrl + B: Toggle Bookmarks, multiple selected lines can be set at the same time
  2. Enter: View log dialog (Show long log(with the ends cut off), select string and add to log combo(filter))
  3. Ctrl+F: Show find toolbar
    • F3: Move to previous item
    • F4: Move to next item
  4. Ctrl + Page Down: Go to end of the log
  5. Ctrl + Page Up: Go to the beginning of the log
  6. Ctrl + R : stop cmd - connect device - clear log view - start cmd
  7. Ctrl + G : Go to line
  8. Ctrl + ` : Focus to log combo
  9. Ctrl + Del : Clear log view
  10. Ctrl + T : Show trigger list panel(aging test util)

Filter combobox color tag


If enter '#' in the filter combo box, the color tag list is displayed

Filter combobox style

Setting > Filter Style : set style, color

  1. Single line
  2. Single line - highlight
  3. Multi line
  4. Multi line - highlight

Highlight color : Include text, Exclude text, Separator

Filter combobox size


Filter manager

Click : replace
Ctrl + Click : append


Ctrl + F : show search bar
ESC : hide search bar
F3 : move to previous
F4 : move to next
Click Filter or Full View : Set search target view

Show process info

When mode is logcat receiving, process info is shown as a tooltip
Right click > Popup menu > Process info => Show all process list
Lognote_processInfo_1 Lognote_processInfo_2

Log format setting

In addition to logcat logs, you can also use other logs by setting the format

Log trigger - Aging test util(Ctrl-T)

When a specific log occurs, a command is executed or a dialog is displayed

Log cmd setting

Set the adb path(to view online log) and Add log cmds

Color settings



Setting > Appearance
Fixed-width fonts are recommended : The columns for logcat entries(time, pid, tag...) are aligned

View Control

View > Rotation - Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
View > Full Logs - Toggle show/hide full log view
Full log view > Windowed Mode - Move the view to new window

Button Icons


Save split file by lines for aging test

Each time 100000 lines are saved, it is changed to a new file