
Create, Read, Update, Delete. Done!

Primary LanguageClojure


Build Status Documentation Stories in Ready

As a developer, I want to be able to describe a resource's high-level details like data integrity, associations, documentation etc. and have a system that builds a corresponding API and user interface so that I can focus on tooling for higher value activities like integration with other systems or data analysis.

Basic Example

The following program implements a "tweet" API with the following features

  • GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE "tweets" with :created_at, :authored_by and :msg attributes
  • For POST and PATCH, ensure that :msg is <144 characters
  • GET a list of tweets matching the specified parameters
  • GET "/api/doc" for swagger documentation for the Tweet and User resources
  • When persisting the User resource, :secret is filtered through the bcrypt algorithm
(ns crud.twitter
  (:require [crud :refer :all]
            [prismatic.schema :as s]))

(defentity User
  :schema {:email s/Str
           :name s/Str
           :secret s/Str})

(defentity Tweet
  :schema {:created-at Date
           :msg s/Str}
  :links [(link :authored-by [User :id])])

(let [entities [User Tweet]
      db (crud-db {:type :datomic
                   :uri "datomic:mem://tweet-db"
                   :entities entities})]
  (run-jetty (hypercrud {:db db, :entities entities})
             {:port 3000}))

OK. Lets make sure we're not flagrently violating security principles by storing the secret in plain text. The example below encrypts the :secret attribute before persisting it to storage

(ns crud.twitter
  (:require [crypto.password.bcrypt :as password]
            [prismatic.schema :as s]))

(defn encrypt [attr] (fn [params]
                       (password/encrypt (attr params))))

(defentity Tweet
  :schema {:created-at Date
           :authored-by User
           :msg s/Str}
  :links [(link :authored-by [User :id])]
  :storage [:email :name (encrypt :secret)])


Copyright © 2014 Andy Chambers