
Converts data between edn and avro (and vice versa)

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


[Tests | Current Release

Conversion between EDN and Avro GenericDatums (and back)


Clojure has an excellent library for serializing Clojure objects to avro in the form of abracad.avro. It works great for scenarios where you're writing the schema once in the header section of a file or something, and then for the rest of the records you just write out the raw bytes.

However when working with the confluent schema registry, you need to produce avro values that come in a container that includes the schema (the serializer can be configured to fail if the provided schema is not compatible with those that have been registered already on the same kafka topic).

This library make it easy to wrap your clojure values in just such a container.

Armed with a utility such as this, there is no longer a need to use custom implementations of KafkaAvroSerializer and Serde interfaces. Instead we just use the standard implmentations and convert our EDN data into a GenericDatum instance before sending it to a kafka producer or returning it in a kafka stream.


(ns my.cool.app
    [cddr.edn-avro :as avro])
    (java.util Properties)
    (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer KafkaProducer)))

(def schema {:type "record"
             :name "Foo"
             :fields [{:name "aString" :type "string"}
                      {:name "aUnion" :type ["string" "null"]}]})

(def cfg (doto (Properties.)
           (.put "bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092")
           (.put "acks" "all")
           (.put "key.serializer" "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer")
           (.put "value.serializer" "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer")))

(def p (KafkaProducer. cfg))

@(.send p (as-avro {:aString "test-1"
                    :aUnion "test-2"}
                   {:schema schema}))

@(.send p (as-avro {:aString "test-1"
                    :aUnion nil}
                   {:schema schema}))


Copyright © 2020 Andy Chambers

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.