Samza jobs. In idiomatic Clojure
Samza takes care of a lot of quite difficult problems and while it would be fun to solve them in Clojure (in-fact some people are doing that and more), it's hard to justify the time it would take when you've got business features to deliver. We want to allow app developers to focus on the business logic of their app.
Ideally, you could write a plain old clojure function, and somehow arrange for Samza to invoke it on each new message it is interested in. The intention of this project is to provide the "somehow arrange for" part.
We do this by implementing a few key features
A suite of functions that take a function as input, and use
to build an implementation of the corresponding samza interface -
macro that registers the job and allows for it's configuration to be generated -
A config rewriter that pulls a job-id from the environment and generates the samza config on the fly
I'm still playing around with the syntax of defjob
but it should look something
like this. Here's the standard LinkedIn scale word-counter.
The syntax is stabilizing a bit. The job below defines a working samza job
that assumes email-task
implements the StreamTask interface and submits an
email if one hasn't already been sent. This also decodes messages using
confluent's schema registry. Read more about that here
(ns example.word-counter
[samza-config.core :refer [local-storage job-coordinator task-factory]]
[org.apache.samza.serializers StringSerdeFactory]))
(defn word-counter [config context]
(let [store (local-storage context "word-counts")]
(process [this envelope collector coordinator]
(let [word (.getMessage envelope)]
(swap! store update-in [word] (fnil inc 0)))))))
(defjob word-counter
{:job {:factory thread-job-factory
:coordinator (job-coordinator "word-counter" (env :coordinator-replication-factor))
:task {:factory (task-factory 'word-counter)}}
:systems {:word-counter
{:samza {:factory kafka-system-factory}
:streams (input-streams
(input-topic "words" :string :string))
:consumer (env :zk-addr)
:producer (env :kafka-addr)}}
:serializers {:registry
{"string" {:class StringSerdeFactory}}}
:stores (stores
(kv-store "word-counts" :edn :edn))
:task {:class "samza-config.task.Task"
:inputs (task-inputs "words")}})
Samza jobs are typically deliverable as tarballs so we include a helper that knows how to build one.
$ lein run -m tarball
Assuming the job above, this will package the job and write it to target/word-counter.tar.gz
Copyright © 2015 Andy Chambers
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.