
Primary LanguageGo

pipeline status


Performance mertic 수집 및 ElasticSearch 데이터 전송

Getting Started




  • https://github.com/kardianos/service
    • Service will install / un-install, start / stop, and run a program as a service (daemon)
    • Currently supports Windows XP+, Linux/(systemd | Upstart | SysV), and OSX/Launchd.


go mod tidy 
go build 

Running the tests


  • host: ElasticSearch Host
    • If the value is empty, only console output
  • index: ElasticSearch Index
  • interval: 수집간격(sec)
  • sqlinstance: SQLServer Instance Name
    • Windows only, If the value is empty skip
	"host": [ "http://localhost:9200", "http://localhost2:9200"],
	"index": "perf",
	"interval": 5,
	"sqlinstance": ""

Run Test

$ ./go-perf 
2021/04/22 11:19:39 config : {"host":"http://localhost:9200","index":"perf","interval":20,"sqlinstance":""}
2021/04/22 11:19:39 START
2021/04/22 11:19:39 {"disk":{"/":11.76,"/boot":13.91,"/boot/efi":5.59,"/home":2.95,"/sys/firmware/efi/efivars":0},"hostname":"centos-cdecl","ip":"","loadavg":0.01,"memory":19.13,"processor":0,"swap":0,"timestamp":"2021-04-22 11:19:39"}
2020/07/29 14:57:09 START
2020/07/29 14:57:10 {"HostsName":"N15479","IP":"","Memory":57,"Process":9,"ProcessorQueueLength":3,"TimeStamp":"2020-07-29 14:57:10"}
2020/07/29 14:57:10 [201 Created] {"_index":"perf-20200729","_type":"_doc","_id":"nnklmXMBCjdbPcrUavha","_version":1,"result":"created","forced_refresh":true,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":1,"failed":0},"_seq_no":242,"_primary_term":1}

Install, Run

  • 설치/삭제
    • windows : service 등록
    • posix (init.d) : /etc/init.d/GoPerf
    • posix (systemd) : /etc/systemd/system/GoPerf.service
$ ./go-perf install 
$ ./go-perf uninstall 
  • 시작/중지
    • windows : sc start GoPerf / sc stop GoPerf
    • posix (init.d) : service GoPerf start / service GoPerf stop
    • posix (systemd) : systemctl start GoPerf / systemctl stop GoPerf
$ ./go-perf start 
$ ./go-perf uninstall 

Output 형식


	"Disk": {
		"C:": 91,
		"D:": 13.06
	"HostsName": "N15479-W02",
	"IP": "",
	"Memory": 86,
	"Processor": 6,
	"Processor-pc": 7,
	"ProcessorQueueLength": 0,
	"TimeStamp": "2021-04-22 11:19:15"

Windows (w/SQLServer)

	"BatchRequests": 0,
	"Disk": {
		"C:": 91,
		"D:": 13.06
	"HostsName": "N15479-W02",
	"IP": "",
	"Memory": 86,
	"Processor": 4,
	"Processor-pc": 4,
	"ProcessorQueueLength": 0,
	"TimeStamp": "2021-04-22 11:18:40",
	"UserConnections": 0


	"disk": {
		"/": 11.76,
		"/boot": 13.91,
		"/boot/efi": 5.59,
		"/home": 2.95,
		"/sys/firmware/efi/efivars": 0
	"hostname": "centos-cdecl",
	"ip": "",
	"loadavg": 0.01,
	"memory": 19.13,
	"processor": 0,
	"swap": 0,
	"timestamp": "2021-04-22 11:19:39"