
nvim_open_term error

yo-lo-pregunto opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm running neovim on Ubuntu 20.04 WSL and I'm having the following error when I run the :CMakeGenerate command.

Error detected while processing function cmake#Generate[2]..293[20]..290[17]..287[19]..74_CreateConsoleBuffer[2]..74_TermSetup: line 4: E117: Unknown function: nvim_open_term E15: Invalid expression: nvim_open_term(bufnr(''), l:options)

Any idea what I can do?

Hi, I assume you're running Neovim 0.4.3, and your issue relates to this comment: #43 (comment).

The current solution is to use a newer version of Neovim, at least 0.5.0. I will add an error message for those running older versions.