Easily build a Haskell project from a stack.yaml.lock file with Nix
- 2
Approach of copying subdirs for git extra-deps breaks in the presence of relative symlinks
#45 opened by isomorpheme - 1
apply `flags` from `stack.yaml`
#54 opened by cdepillabout - 0
apply `ghc-options` from `stack.yaml`
#1 opened by cdepillabout - 0
- 4
- 3
- 2
False Infinite Recursion
#51 opened by Burtannia - 0
Support hpack includes
#47 opened by TeofilC - 6
Reducing reliance on IFD
#41 opened by TeofilC - 2
Haddock is not generated.
#36 opened by junjihashimoto - 1
Git dependency in extra-deps doesn't work if specified commit isn't reachable from remote HEAD
#38 opened by isomorpheme - 3
- 7
Example projects not working
#27 opened by oscar-izval - 5
Unordered-Containers error nothunks
#25 opened by LBjerke - 5
- 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
use builtins.fromYAML
#11 opened by cdepillabout - 4
Development.IDE.GHC gets stuck with -- cores 3
#10 opened by carnotweat - 2
Lost in timeouts for libs/18.yaml
#9 opened by carnotweat - 1