
A reactive library able to manage your localized spigot inventories

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Reactive-inventory is an opinionated and easy-to-use inventory library for spigot plugins to optimize and improve the workflow with inventories. Thereby the library offers extendability to serve your own personal demands.



This is a standard inventory, which has all its logic in a class. This is the key design principle of reactive-inventory.

public final class YourInventory implements Inventory {
  public void interact(InventoryClickEvent click, Player target, UUID userId) {
    // Code here gets executed, when the player interacts with the inventory
    // (only valid event interactions will trigger this method)

  public void open(Player target) {
    // Write here your code to open the player's inventory

To open an inventory, you inject the OpenInventoryFactory via Guice:

OpenInventoryFactory factory;

  .withUserId(UUID.randomUUID()) // The uuid of the inventory owner (needs to be a player)
  .withInventory(inventory) // Can be replaced with a class name to inject an inventory
  .open() // Can be opened synchronized, too

Policy restricted

Inventories can have (custom) policies, which get applied/checked before every interaction. A typical policy is the MoveItemsPolicy, which can allow or deny the player to move items in the inventory.

"Policy restricted inventories" can be implemented by add its interface to your inventory:

public final class YourInventory implements Inventory, PolicyRestrictedInventory {
  // ... your normal inventory code

  public Set<InventoryPolicy> policies() {
    return Sets.newHashSet(MoveItemsPolicy.Deny); // Return your set of policies for your custom inventory

Own policies can easily be implemented, too. A simple example would look as following:

// Implement the InventoryPolicy for your own policy
public enum MoveItemsPolicy implements InventoryPolicy {

  // In this method you can apply all your actions to the event that is then passed to the inventory
  public void apply(InventoryClickEvent click) {
    switch (this) {
      case Allow -> click.setCancelled(false);
      case Deny -> click.setCancelled(true);

Reactive updates

Inventories of a certain type can be updated by executing a certain action (more about this later on). This is helpful e.g. for inventories that show a poll and update the percentages live. After an update trigger, the openUpdated method of all inventories of a certain type is executed. By default, this method calls the normal open method, however you may want to cache your results, in which case you can override this method:

public final class YourInventory implements Inventory, ReactiveInventory {
  // ... your normal inventory code

  public void openUpdated(Player target) {
    // Open inventory with cached results


A fundamental principle of reactive-inventory is that you can't access the inventory directly while it is open (except for closing it). Therefore, you have actions, which can perform default operations like re-opening an inventory or do as complex things as you like.

Default actions like ReOpenAction or TriggerUpdateAction are available through their respective classes or injectable as well. All actions are performed in the, as well injectable, OpenInventoryRepository class. You can execute actions as following:

OpenInventoryRepostiory repository;

// This will close all open inventories of the type 'YourInventory'
repository.performActionOnType(YourInventory.class, ReOpenAction.lazy());

// This will update the user's inventory
repository.performActionForUser(TriggerUpdateAction.lazy(), userId);

You can even create your own Action; structure presented by a simple update action:

// Create your action class by implementing InventoryAction
public final class TriggerUpdateAction implements InventoryAction {
  private TriggerUpdateAction() {}

  public ExecutableAction asExecutable() {
    return new InteractExecutable();

  // All actions have an inner class, in which the execution is performed later on.
  // With that design, complex or resource intensive operations can be executed
  //   in the actual action and just passed to the executable
  @RequiredArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
  public static final class InteractExecutable implements ExecutableAction {
    private OpenInventory inventory;

    public ExecutableAction withTarget(OpenInventory inventory) {
      this.inventory = inventory;
      return this;

    // The actual operation that gets executed individually for every open inventory
    public void perform() {
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(inventory, "inventory");



  • Java 17
  • Spigot 1.12 (should work with higher versions)
  • Guice
  • Components package (https://github.com/cderszteler/components) Otherwise you can register the listener and add the module to your injector by yourself

Via Gradle:

  maven {
    url 'https://repo.qetz.de/artifactory/repo-public'
  implementation 'qetz:reactive-inventory:2.0.3'

Via Maven:



Without components library

If you choose to not use the components library, you must register the following listener RemoveOpenedInventoryTrigger and InventoryInteractTrigger as well as add this module OpenInventoryModule to your Guice injector.