
NetSieben SSH Library (ne7ssh)

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

UPDATE: 2/26/2015 - After spending quite some time with this library, I decided to use it as a rapid prototype for cppssh. All development has moved to that project.

An open letter to: Andrew Useckas andrew@netsieben.com Keef Aragon keef@netsieben.com

It seems that ne7ssh has been abandoned. I have attempted to contact you both, but I have as of yet not recieved any response. If you decide to resurrect ne7ssh, then please contact me so that we can merge and converge.

Thanks - Chris D.

NetSieben SSH Library (ne7ssh) v1.3.x README


NetSieben Technologies Pty Limited http://www.netsieben.com

Copyright (C) 2005-2009 NetSieben Technologies INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This program may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview 1.1 Features 1.2 Dependencies 1.3 Installation

  2. Usage 2.1 Initializing the class 2.2 Setting the options 2.3 Connecting to a remote server 2.3.1 Key based authentication Generating a key pair 2.3.2 Password based authentication

2.4 Communications 2.4.1 Interactive mode 2.4.2 Single command

2.5 Closing the connection 2.6 Error handling 2.6.1 Core context 2.6.2 Channel context 2.7 Secure FTP support 2.7.1 Initializing the subsystem 2.7.2 Setting a timeout for SFTP communications 2.7.3 Downloading a file 2.7.4 Uploading a file 2.7.5 Removing a file 2.7.6 Renaming or moving a file 2.7.7 Changing the current context 2.7.8 Creating a new directory 2.7.9 Removing a directory 2.7.10 Getting a directory listing 2.7.11 Changing permissions 2.7.12 Changing ownership

  1. Commercial License

  1. Overview

The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is used by many, as a secure way of managing servers, firewalls and other network appliances. Nowadays many custom built applications require Secure Shell client functionality. Instead of spending countless hours building SSH functionality into an application one can now use NetSieben Technologies Inc. (NetSieben) SSH library to securely communicate with a variety of SSH server implementations.

The library was developed by NetSieben after researching the limited number of options available. A lot of available solutions were either wrappers to openssh application or libraries with very limited functionality, and at best, still in alpha or beta stages of development. At this time version 1 of the SSH protocol is outdated with well known security flaws inherently in its design. Therefore NetSieben SSH library supports only with version 2 of the SSH protocol. Currently NetSieben's library supports only the SSH client.

1.1 Features Feature Supported Algorithms

Key exchange Diffie Hellman Group 1, SHA1 Signatures ssh-dss (1024) User authentication public key, password Authentication keys DSA (512bit to 1024bit), RSA Encryption aes256-cbc, twofish-cbc, twofish256-cbc, blowfish-cbc, 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, cast128-cbc HMAC hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, none Compression not supported Interoperability SSH Library should work with most SSH2 server implementations. Tested with openssh on Linux. Solaris, FreeBSD and NetBSD. Also tested with Juniper Netscreen ssh server implementation.

Portability: The NetSieben SSH Library is based on the Botan crypto library, making it highly portable. It has been tested on Linux x86, Linux x86_64Linux PPC, Linux SPARC, Solaris, Windows 2000 and XP.

1.2 Dependencies

A C++11 compatible compiler is required to build NetSiben SSH Library.

NetSiben SSH Library requires Botan crypto library 1.10.

The Botan library can be found here: http://botan.randombit.net

NetSieben SSH Library requires Cmake version 3.1 or higher. Cmake software can be found here: http://www.cmake.org

1.3 Installation

Public version of NetSieben SSH library is distributed in source code form.

For more information please refer to INSTALL file included in the software package.

  1. Usage

2.1 Initializing the class

Before using library's functionality it needs to be initialized. The initialization process will allocate the required memory resources and prepare cryptographic methods for usage. It is recommended to do this first, when starting the application. Only one instance of ne7ssh class can be used at a time. Single instance of ne7ssh class is able to handle multiple connections to multiple servers. It is recommended to initialize the class when starting, use the same class for all of your SSH connections, and destroy it on the exit. The class should be initialized with the following command:

ne7ssh *ssh = new ne7ssh ();

The constructor of the class requires no arguments. The applications will exit when trying to initialize the class more than once within the same application.

2.2 Setting the options

Before opening Secure connections, custom options can be configured for the use in all future connections. Currently only desired cipher and integrity checking algorithms can be configured. The following method can be used to configure the options:

setOptions (const char *prefCipher, const char *prefHmac)

prefCipher your preferred cipher algorithm string representation. Supported options are: aes256-cbc, twofish-cbc, twofish256-cbc, blowfish-cbc, 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, cast128-cbc.

prefHmac the preferred integrity checking algorithm string. Supported optionss are: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1 and none.

This step is optional and if skipped the SSH library will use the default settings. If desired algorithms are not supported by the server, the next one from the list of supported algorithms will be used.

2.3 Connecting to a remote server

After the options are set, connections to remote servers can be initiated. NetSieben library supports Password and Public Key authentication methods.

2.3.1 Key based authentication

NetSieben SSH library supports key based authentication. For this to work one needs to generate a key pair either by using generateKeyPair method from ne7ssh class or by using ssh-keygen program included in openssh distributions. Server has to support key based authentication and newly generated public key needs to be added to servers authorized keys. The process may differ depending on SSH server vendor. Currently RSA and DSA keys are supported. The NetSieben library keys are compatible with unencrypted OpenSSH keys.

No password should be specified when creating a key pair with ssh-keygen. To establish connection to a remote server using a private key use the following method:

int ssh->connectWithKey (const char* host, uint32 port, const char* username, const char* privKeyFile);

host Hostname or IP of the server. port Port the SSH server binds to. usually be 22 (standard SSH port). username Username to be used in authentication. PrivKeyFile Full path to a PEM encoded private key file.

If the connection succeeds, the method will return the newly created channel ID. This ID should be used in all further communications via newly created connection. If the connection failed for any reason, "-1" will be returned by the method.

Generating a key pair

NetSieben SSH library can be used to generate key pairs. Currently RSA and DSA key algorithms are supported. DSA keys can only be between 512bits and 1024bits (restriction inherited from Botan library). The newly generate keys are OpenSSH compatible and public keys can be pasted straight into authorized_keys file. The following method generates a key pair:

bool generateKeyPair (const char* type, const char* fqdn, const char* privKeyFileName, const char* pubKeyFileName, uint16 keySize);

type String specifying key type. Currently "dsa" and "rsa" are supported. fqdn User id. Such as an Email address. privKeyFileName Full path to a file where generated private key will be written. pubKeyFileName Full path to a file where generated public key will be written. keySize Desired key size in bits. If not specified will default to 2048. The value has to be changed if generating a dsa keypair. shell Should the shell be spawned on the remote end. True by defaut. Should be set to false if using sendCmd method after authentication.

2.3.2 Password based authentication

NetSieben SSH library supports password based authentication. The password authentication should be enabled in the server configuration. If using this method make sure its enabled as many distributions of OpenSSH disable this method by default. The following method allows to establish a connection using the password authentication:

int connectWithPassword (const char *host, uint32 port, const char *username, const char *password )

host Hostname or IP of the server. port Port SSH server binds to, usually 22 (the standard SSH port). username Username used in authentication. password Password used in authentication.

If the connection succeeds, the method will return the newly created channel ID. This ID should be used in all further communications via newly established connection. If the connection fails for any reason, "-1" will be returned by the method.

2.4 Communications

NetSieben SSH library supports two command modes. The first is interactive mode used for sending text commands and waiting for text results. This works much like perl "Expect" module. The second mode is a single command mode, where library sends a single command to the remote end, waits for results and disconnects. This method can be used to handle binary results.

2.4.1 Interactive mode

Send command

Before sending a command the waitFor method should be used to wait for shell prompt, ensuing the remote end is ready for interactive commands. Sending a command to the remote end can be accomplished using this method:

bool send (const char *data, int channel )

data Command to send. This should be a string terminated with an EOL. Most terminals will not process a command without end-line. (character(s) (\n in Unix) to it). channel Channel ID.

The method will return "true" if the write to send buffer succeeded. Otherwise false will be returned. Note: Keep in mind that each usage of send() method will flush the receive buffer.

Wait for results

If the connection is established and a shell launched at the remote end one needs to pause until a specific string is received. This could be used to wait for shell prompt after connecting or after a command execution. The SSH protocol is designed to send data in packets. If results are read from the buffer right after sending a command, there is no guarantee that the entire result has been received by the library. Thus it is necessary to wait for a particular string to appear in the receive buffer. This ensures that all the data has been received.

If the specified string is not received, to avoid blocking condition, a timeout value should be specified. If the desired result is not received in specified timeframe, the function will return false. The following method is used for interactive communications:

bool waitFor (int channel, const char *str, uint32 timeout = 0)

channel Channel ID received from the connection methods, specifying the interactive channel. str String containing text to wait for. timeout Timeout in seconds. Timeout depends on the speed of your connection to the remote side. 2 seconds should be enough for most connections. If 0 is specified, the method will block until the requested string arrives in the receive buffer.

If an expected string is received the method will return "true". If the timeout has been reached, the method will return "false".

Fetching the result

After receiving the expected string or reaching the timeout threshold, the received results can be accessed by using the following method:

const char *read (int channel)

channel Channel ID received from the connection methods, specifying the interactive channel.

The method will return pointer to the receive buffer. The memory for the buffer doesn't need to be allocated nor freed by a programmer, its storage is handled entirely by the ne7ssh class. This method should always be executed after waitFor() method.

2.4.2 Single command

Single command can be used when only one command needs to be executed before disconnecting. Or when expected result is binary.

Sending command

This method will not work if the shell has been spawned at the remote end. One needs to make sure that "shell" parameter of authentication method is set to "false" before using this method:

bool sendCmd (const char* cmd, int channel, int timeout);

cmd Command to send. This should be a string terminated with an EOL. Most terminals will not process a command without end-line. (character(s) (\n in Unix) to it). channel Channel ID. timeout How long to wait for completion. This value will depend on the speed of connection and size of results. Recommended value is 30 seconds.

The method will "true" if command executed successfully. If an error occurred during execution "false" is returned. The last error can be obtained by using errors()->pop() method.

Result buffer size

After sending a command followed by a successful execution, the result is received by the SSH library and placed into the receive buffer. If the data received is binary one needs to know the size of the buffer before reading it. This can be obtain by the following method:

int getReceivedSize (int channel)

channel Channel ID.

The method will return the size of the receive buffer, or zero if the buffer is empty.

Fetching the result

If the expected result is a string one can use the above mentioned read() method to fetch the data. However if the result is binary the following method should be used:

void *readBinary (int channel)

channel Channel ID received from the connection methods.

The method will return a pointer to the receive buffer. The memory for the buffer doesn't need to be allocated nor freed by a programmer, its storage is handled entirely by the ne7ssh class. Having a pointer to the receive buffer and the size of the buffer, one can easily fetch the binary data stored.

2.5 Closing the connection

When the desired communications are completed the connection needs to be close using this method:

bool close (int channel)

channel Channel ID received from the connection methods.

The method returns "true" if the sending of "close" command succeeds. "False" is returned if the channel has already been closed. It is highly recommended to use a shell command to close the interactive connection instead of this method.

2.6 Error handling

Starting with version 1.1.5 the SSH library integrates contextual error reporting. Errors are bound to the channel they occur in. The core messages are bound to the Core context. All errors are stored in a static instance of Ne7sshError class and can be access via ne7ssh::errors() method.

2.6.1 Core context

The errors that are not bound to a channel context are considered to be core errors and can be retrieved using the following command:

const char* Ne7sshError::pop()

The command returns a pointer to the last error message within Core context, removing it from the stack. Continued execution of this command will result in returning of all Core error messages and at the same time removing them from the stack. If there are no error message in the Core context zero is returned.

2.6.2 Channel context

The errors that are bound to a channel context can be retrieved using the following command:

const char* Ne7sshError::pop(in channel)

channel Channel ID.

The command returns a pointer to the last error message within particular channel context, also removing it from the stack. Continued execution of this command will result in returning of all particular channel error messages at the same time removing them from the stack. If there are no error message in a channel context zero is returned.

2.7 Secure FTP support

Secure FTP (SFTP) client is supported by the NetSieben library starting with version 1.2.0.

2.7.1 Initializing the subsystem

In order to utilize the Secure FTP functionality sftp specific class instances need to be icreated and sftp subsystem started on the server side. In order to accomplish this task the following variable needs to be defined:

Ne7SftpSubsystem _sftp

The following method is used to initialize the subsystem. The method needs channel ID, so has to be executed after one of the connect methods. Make sure remote shell is not spawned.

bool initSftp (class Ne7SftpSubsystem& _sftp, int channel)

_sftp Reference to SFTP subsystem to be initialized. channel Channel ID returned by one of the connect methods.

This command returns "true" if the new subsystem was successfully initialized. And "false" is returned if any error occurs.

2.7.2 Setting a timeout for SFTP communications.

The SFTP subsystem has a default timeout for all of the communications, set to 30 seconds. This should work well under most circumstances, however sometimes it maybe desirable to modify this value. The following method accomplishes the task:

bool setTimeout (uint32 _timeout)

timeout Timeout in seconds.

This command returns "true" upon successful setting of the timeout. Returns "false" on any error.

2.7.3 Downloading a file

The following method is used to download a file from a remote server. It functions like sftp "get" command:

bool get (const char* remoteFile, FILE* localFile)

remoteFile Full or relative path to the file on the remote side. LocalFile Pointer to FILE structure. If the file being retrieved is binary, use "w+" attributes in fopen function.

This command returns "true" if the file was successfully downloaded. Returns "false" on any error.

2.7.4 Uploading a file

The following method is used for uploading a file to a remote server. It functions like SFTP "put" command:

bool put (FILE* localFile, const char* remoteFile)

localFile Pointer to FILE structure. If the file being retrieved is binary, use "r+" attributes in fopen function. remoteFile Full or relative path to the file on the remote side.

This command returns "true" if the file was successfully uploaded. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.5 Removing a file

The following method is used to remove a file. It functions like sftp "rm" command:

bool rm (const char* remoteFile)

remoteFile Full or relative path to the file on the remote side.

This command returns "true" if the file was successfully removed. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.6 Renaming or moving a file

The following method is used to rename or move a file. It functions like sftp "rename" command:

bool mv (const char* oldFile, const char* newFile)

oldFile Full or relative path to the file being moved or renamed. newFIle Full or relative path to the new location/name of the file.

This command returns "true" if the file was successfully renamed or moved. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.7 Changing the current context

The following method is used to change the current context. It functions like sftp "cd" command:

bool cd (const char* remoteDir)

remoteDir Full or relative path to a new work path.

This command returns "true" if the context was successfully changed. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.8 Creating a new directory

The following method is used to create a new directory. It functions like sftp "mkdir" command:

bool mkdir (const char* remoteDir)

remoteDir Full or relative path to a new directory.

This command returns "true" if the new directory was successfully created. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.9 Removing a directory

The following method if used to remove a directory. It functions like sftp "rmdir" command:

bool rmdir (const char* remoteDir)

remoteDir Full or relative path to a directory.

This command returns "true" if the directory was successfully removed. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.10 Getting a directory listing

The following method is used to get a directory listing. It functions like sftp "ls" command:

const char* ls (const char* remoteDir, bool longNames=false)

remoteDir Full or relative path to a directory. LongNames If set to "true" the returned string in addition to file strings will contain attributes for each file.

This command returns pointer to a buffer containing directory listing. Returns NULL if any error is encountered.

2.7.11 Changing permissions

The following method is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. It functions like sftp "chmod" command:

bool chmod (const char* remoteFile, const char* mode)

remotFile Full or relative path to a file. mode Mode string. It can be either a numerical mode expression such as "755" or an expression showing the modifications to be made, such as "ug+w". Mode string is the same as used by *nix chmod command.

This command returns "true" if the new permissions are successfully applied. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

2.7.12 Changing ownership

The following method is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. It functions like sftp "chown" command:

bool chown (const char* remoteFile, uint32_t uid, uint32_t gid)

remoteFile Full or relative path to a file. uid Numerical user ID of the new owner. gid Numerical group ID of the new owner.

This command returns "true" if the new ownership is successfully applied. Returns "false" if any error is encountered.

  1. Commercial License

For details about commercial license please fill out the form located at: https://netsieben.com/sshlib_info.phtml