Home Server

Notes, tips, tricks, cheat sheets, designs, layouts, tools, plans, etc. for my home server. Currently, this is whiplash.


  • Need to have regular scrubs... Weekly for consumer-grade disks
  • Snapshots are like file system versions
  • Keep the pool allocation under 80%
  • Always export your storage pool before performing a do-release-upgrade to a newer version of your distribution or before moving the drives from one physical system to another! Failure to do so, may render the zpool unmountable.

Cheat Sheets

General links

General File System



Other cheat-sheets

Other Info

  • Verifying copies across file systems: http://www.openoid.net/verifying-copies/

    // File sizes as reported by the file system, not the blocks (data, not disk)
    root@banshee:/# du -hs --apparent-size /usr/bin ; du -hs --apparent-size /banshee/tmp/bin
    // Count files
    root@banshee:/# find /usr/bin | wc -l ; find /banshee/tmp/bin | wc -l
    // Relative paths, generating and comparing checksums for all nested files
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# cd /usr ; find ./bin -type f | sort | xargs md5sum > /tmp/sourcesums.txt
    root@banshee:/usr# cd /banshee/tmp ; find ./bin -type f | sort | xargs md5sum > /tmp/targetsums.txt
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# diff /tmp/sourcesums.txt /tmp/targetsums.txt
    // Find files that are different, likely hardlinks
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# ls -laR /usr/bin | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}' > /tmp/sourcels.txt
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# ls -laR /banshee/tmp/bin | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11}' > /tmp/targetls.txt
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# diff /tmp/sourcels.txt /tmp/targetls.txt | head -n 25
    // Look for hardlinks to the given file in original vs. copy. (to verify the reason)
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# find /usr/bin -samefile /usr/bin/lockfile-check
    root@banshee:/banshee/tmp# find /banshee/tmp/bin -samefile /usr/bin/lockfile-check



Stored off-site, but server is a local write-through cache which also updates as external systems update the off-site source. A pull + push cache. Cache is "smart", with more frequently accessed stuff, and then recently accessed stuff, is cached with a higher priority than less-frequently and less-recently accesed stuff.

Possibly something like a local ZFS set of files and a remote share, with RSync keeping things in sync between the local and the remote (in both directions)? Would also allow layering in large objects via S3FS, possibly tucked into Glacier.
