
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Plan Arithmetic: Compositional Plan Vectors for Multi-Task Control

Project webpage

This codebase has been tested with python 3.5 and 3.6. To install: clone the repository and run pip install -r requirements.py

Add the repo to you pythonpath by running `export PYTHONPATH=[path/to/repo/]cpv/crafting:$PYTHONPATH'

To generate training data for the crafting environment, run

cd [path/to/repo/]cpv/

mkdir data

python crafting/scripts/collect_composite_trajectories.py

This may take a while.

Then, collect the evaluation trajectories by running

python crafting/scripts/collect_reference_trajectories.py

To train a CPV-Full model, run

mkdir octresults

python crafting/gridworld/algorithms/cpv_experiment.py -H -P

This script will print where the checkpoints are saved and where the tensorboard logs are saved.

To evaluate the model online, run

python crafting/scripts/run_model_multitask_tensorboard.py --model [path/to/checkpoints_dir] --tb [path/to/tensorboard_dir] --type V3