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This is the master branch of freenas, which is used for the creation and testing of TrueNAS CORE / Enterprise and TrueNAS SCALE Nightly builds. Submit Pull Requests here if you want to get changes into the next major release of TrueNAS. To build this source repo, checkout https://github.com/freenas/build for CORE/Enterprise and https://github.com/truenas/truenas-build for SCALE
When submitting a pull-request, Jenkins will attempt to verify the changes to ensure it does not break our builds and/or passes QA tests.
The following commands may be used to interact with that service:
"ok to test" to accept this pull request for testing
"test this please" for a one time test run
"add to whitelist" to add the author to the whitelist
If the build fails for other various reasons you can rebuild.
"retest this please" to start a new build
"retest this please CLEAN" to start a new build, non-incremental