
Simple tools to manage Zimbra Collaboration Open Source

Primary LanguagePerl


Simple tools to manage Zimbra Collaboration Open Source

account_backup.sh is used to backup mail account.
account_restore.sh is used to restore mail account.
force_password_reset.sh is used to force users to reset their password.
quota_control.sh is used to warn sysadmin when disk usage or e-mail account quota usage reaching 50%.
service_control.sh is used to restart stopped zimbra service.
spam_control.sh is used to hold outgoing spam so you can always send emails.
force_resend.sh is used to force sending one mail per sender.
trace.pl is zmmsgtrace with subject output (better than trackmsg.py).
trackmsg.py is used to track mail flow (unfinished).
.fetchmailrc is example of fetchmail configuration for Zimbra.