
A base rails app featuring: RESTful Authentication, Will Paginate, Rspec & Rspec-rails, Exception Notifier, Asset Packager, Cap Recipe (multi-stage). Put together by Fudge to remove the need for boring project setup.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a fork of a fork of the Bort project that I’ve tailored a bit to my personal liking. It supports Rails 2.3.2 and includes cucumber, rspec 1.2.8, webrat, and haml. However, I haven’t yet converted the original bort stories to cucumber features.

Bort is a base Rails 2.3 application that makes creating new projects easier and faster.


Bort was originally developed by Fudge Studios, Jim Neath and Matt Hall

The fork of Bort supporting Rails 2.3 that this version is based on is by Luke Bayes.