
The Quill Async Akka Http is a very simple json rest api showing one way of using akka http with quill using postgres async.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Quill Async Akka Http is a very simple json rest api showing one way of using akka http with quill using postgres async.

It supports the following features:

  • Models as case classes (quill main feature)
  • Compile time query generation (quill main feature)
  • Cake pattern for DI
  • Spray-json to parse json
  • Tests for DAL
  • tests for routes


  • Typesafe config for property management
  • Typesafe Scala Logging (LazyLogging)
  • Swagger for api documentation

The project was thought to be used as an activator template.


You should pre-configure 2 databases on postgres, quill and quilltest, an run the script postgresql-schema.sql to initiate the schema. Take a look at application.properties and change the db configuration as you need. After that, just:

   $ sbt run


To run all tests (routes and persistence tests):

    $ sbt test


curl --request POST localhost:8080/supplier -H "Content-type: application/json" --data "{\"name\" : \"sup1\",\"desc\" : \"low prices\"}"

curl localhost:8080/supplier/valid-uuid

or just use swagger:



To make this template, I just mixed the tutorials and templates, so credits for akka and quill guys, and swagger-akka-http.