
This repo will be used to track validation issues to target the validation package completion by the end of March 2023.

MIT LicenseMIT

CORE Validation

This repository is for the CORE Validation efforts to contain code, minutes, notes, outcomes, discussions and more. It is meant to allow anyone working with the results and discussions to allow flexible collaboration and follow up projects.


The main purpose of CORE Validation is to provide a proejct management mechanism to drive the validation efforts. Once sufficient validation artifacts are generated, they will be included in the CORE Repo and maintained as part of the pipeline. The issues in this Repo are being managed in Sprints utilizing the ZenHub plugin.


Contribution is very welcome. When you contribute to this repository you are doing so under the below licenses. Please checkout Contribution for additional information. All contributions must adhere to the following Code of Conduct.


License: MIT License: CC BY 4.0

Code & Scripts

This project is using the MIT license (see LICENSE) for code and scripts.


The content files like documentation and minutes are released under CC-BY-4.0. This does not include trademark permissions.


When you re-use the source, keep or copy the license information also in the source code files. When you re-use the source in proprietary software or distribute binaries (derived or underived), copy additionally the license text to a third-party-licenses file or similar.

When you want to re-use and refer to the content, please do so like the following:

Content based on Project XY (GitHub) used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.