Analysis Result Standard API (ARS)

This is a template for COSA workshops/open source projects which could be used to create new projects.

How to use this template (remove this section)

You can copy this template and use this for your open source project, workshops, hackathons or similar where participants should contribute content. Please update the README and other files depending on your requirements, project description etc. You find various "How Tos" documents if you or your expected contributors are not familar with setting up and working with repositories. Feel free to remove no longer applicable ones for your own repository.

You might want to checkout to gain additional guidance and options for a typical README file.

License: CC0-1.0

License: This template is using CC0 1.0. So you can copy or fork this template without the need to reference. Keep attribution from CODE_OF_CONDUCT as this uses CC-BY-4.0. The license files contained are meant to be used for the final open source project you run.


  • update readme for your project needs, e.g. use CC0 or CC-BY-4.0 license
  • update LICENSE, [INCLUDE COPYRIGHT INSTANCE] -> e.g. Project XY, CDISC, John Doe
  • update if you want to provide additional rules or guidances, for example naming conventions

-------------------------- DELETE EVERYTHIG ABOVE ---------------------------


This repository should be used for the Project/Workshop/Hackathon XY to contain code, minutes, notes, outcomes, discussions and more. It is meant to allow anyone working with the results and discussions to allow flexible collaboration and follow up projects.


The main purpose of Project Name is to ....

If possible use images as well.

Image Description


Contribution is very welcome. When you contribute to this repository you are doing so under the below licenses. Please checkout Contribution for additional information. All contributions must adhere to the following Code of Conduct.


License: MIT License: CC BY 4.0

Code & Scripts

This project is using the MIT license (see LICENSE) for code and scripts.


The content files like documentation and minutes are released under CC-BY-4.0. This does not include trademark permissions.


When you re-use the source, keep or copy the license information also in the source code files. When you re-use the source in proprietary software or distribute binaries (derived or underived), copy additionally the license text to a third-party-licenses file or similar.

When you want to re-use and refer to the content, please do so like the following:

Content based on Project XY (GitHub) used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.