
EMNLP2021 - DiscoDVT: Generating Long Text with Discourse-Aware Discrete Variational Transformer

Primary LanguagePython

DiscoDVT: Generating Long Text with Discourse-Aware Discrete Variational Transformer


This is the pytorch implementation of the paper "DiscoDVT: Generating Long Text with Discourse-Aware Discrete Variational Transformer".



python >= 3.6
torch == 1.6.0
transformers == 4.0.0rc1
tensorboardX == 2.1
nltk == 3.4.5

Pre-Trained Checkpoint

You first need to download the pre-trained checkpoint of bart-base from https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-base (including pytorch_model.bin, config.json, vocab.json, merges.txt) into models/bart-base.


We provide the preprocessed data used in the paper here (Wikiplots, WritingPrompts) and overwrite the data folder.

You can also follow the following instructions to process your own data.

Take Wikiplots as an example. First download the original data plots.zip from the official repo.

Unzip the file, split the data, and save in data/wikiplots.json.

mv plots.zip data
unzip data/plots.zip
cd preprocess
python prepare_wikiplots.py

Before extracting discourse relations, you need to setup a corenlp server. Follow https://github.com/erindb/corenlp-ec2-startup to start a corenlp server in the backend.

cd corenlp-ec2-startup
bash INSTALL.sh
bash SERVE.sh en

Extract discourse relations from the parsing outputs returned by the corenlp server. The parsing results will be saved in data/wikiplots.json.bpe.

cd preprocess
# extract discourse relations from wikiplots with 20 processes (optional, default is 10)
python extract_discourse.py wikiplots 20
# Encode the results into bpes
python encode_bpe.py wikiplots


We provide model checkpoints trained on the two datasets described in our paper here which can be used for direct text generation. The following example generates stories conditioned on the first 1,000 prompts from the test set.

First sample latent codes from the prior model (wikiplots for example).

export DATA_NAME=wikiplots
python utils/prepare_code_gen.py ${DATA_NAME}
bash scripts/${DATA_NAME}_prior_code.sh

Then sample texts from the generation model given the latent codes and the prompt.

# arguments: data_name, paths to codes
python utils/prepare_gen.py ${DATA_NAME} models/prior-${DATA_NAME}/codes.txt 
bash scripts/${DATA_NAME}_gen.sh


To evaluate the generated stories, you first need to extract the ground-truth stories from the dataset. Simply implemented as the following python codes (wikiplots for example):

import json
# we only extract the first 1000 examples for evaluation
data = json.load(open("wikiplots.json", "r"))["test"]["tgt"][:1000]
with open("wikiplots_test.txt", "w") as f:
    for line in data:
        f.write(line + "\n")

Then evaluate the generation output with the following commands:

# General evaluation for BLEU-1/2, rBLEU-1/2, Distinct-4/5
python eval_general.py models/discoDVT_wikiplots/result.txt data/wikiplots_test.txt
# Evaluate the MSJ score
python eval_msj.py models/discoDVT_wikiplots/result.txt data/wikiplots_test.txt
# Evaluate the repetition score
python eval_rep.py models/discoDVT_wikiplots/result.txt



We provide the preprocessed subset of BookCorpus here and the checkpoint of discoDVT_warmstart here.

# Save model parameters in discoDVT_warmstart
bash scripts/warm_start.sh


# Train the model on wikiplots
bash scripts/wikiplots_train.sh

# Train the model on writing prompts
bash scripts/wp_train.sh

Train Prior

First generate posterior latent codes of the train and valid set. Take Wikiplots as an example:

export DATA_NAME=wikiplots
# Generate posterior latent codes of the train set
bash scripts/${DATA_NAME}_pos_code.sh train
# Generate posterior latent codes of the valid set
bash scripts/${DATA_NAME}_pos_code.sh valid
# Summarize into ${DATA_NAME}_code.json
python utils/prepare_pos_code.py ${DATA_NAME} discoDVT_${DATA_NAME}

Then train the prior network to predict the posterior latent codes.

bash scripts/${DATA_NAME}_train_prior.sh


    title = "DiscoDVT: Generating Long Text with Discourse-Aware Discrete Variational Transformer",
    author = "Haozhe Ji and Minlie Huang",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    year = "2021",

Please kindly cite our paper if you find this paper and the codes useful!