
all lab-wide scripts (i.e. preprocessmri) executable with mlsubmit. Includes utils.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Welcome to the repo containing all standard Stanford Cognitive Systems Lab scripts! Our primary scripting language is matlab, and all scripts are currently working and executable for matlab 2017a/b on Sherlock 2.0 (Stanford HPC).

Best Practices:

If you would like to run a script, do so through the mlsubmit system.


COPY all config files to personal projects before editing them


contact ruiyuan@stanford.edu,yuanzh@stanford.edu,ksupekar@stanford.edu,wdcai@stanford.edu,cdla@stanford.edu


commits are automatically reported to the #scsnlscripts channel on slack


├── brainImaging
│   ├── eeg
│   └── mri
├── brainModeling
│   ├── nengo
│   └── tvb
├── cognitiveModeling
│   ├── hddm
│   └── numericalCognition

└── utilities
    ├── aliases
    ├── dataBackup
    ├── dataOrganization
    ├── github
    ├── groupMatch
    ├── mlsubmit
    ├── pysubmit
    ├── rc
    ├── singularity
    ├── startproject
    └── statsR