
Project for studying automata theory

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Automata Study

This project is for studying automata theory!

Finite Automata

  • empty string : () denotes the set contaning empty string.
  • literal character : a denotes the set { "a" }.
  • wildcard : . denotes the set of alphanumeric.

For given regular expressions R and S,

  • concatenation : RS denotes the set of string that can be obtained by concatenating a string in R and a string in S.
    • ab denotes the set { "ab" }.
  • union : R|S denotes the union of R and S.
    • a|b denotes the set { "a", "b" }.
  • Kleene star : R* denotes the smallest superset of the set described by R that contains ε and is closed under string concatenation.
    • (0|1)* denotes the set { "", "0", "1", "00", "01", ... }

Type a regular expression and press Enter to generate a NFA that accepts the expression.


This NFA accepts "helloworld", "Helloworld", "helloWorld" or "HelloWorld" !