
DelayBot is a zulip bot that will repeat a given message at a specified later time.

Primary LanguagePython


DelayBot is a Zulip bot that allows users to create scheduled Zulip messages. It can be called from public channels and private messages, although it gives all replies in private. Some ideas for uses are self-reminders, calling other bots, and scheduled announcements. Messages created using DelayBot will be attributed to their original sender.

DelayBot was started as a fork of Bot-Builder (https://github.com/di0spyr0s/Bot-Builder).


Nikki Bee (https://github.com/nikkisquared/DelayBot)
Eric Hambro (https://github.com/condnsdmatters/DelayBot)


Basic Commands
DelayBot queue --> show queued messages
DelayBot unqueue <id> --> unqueue message with id
DelayBot unqueue ALL --> unqueue all messages
DelayBot ping --> delaybot are you there?
DelayBot help --> gives you this text replies are always private messages- please keep most DB calls there also, saying "DelayBot" is not necessary from a private message

Delay A Message
Method A: Navigate to the Stream|Topic
DelayBot <time> <message>
Method B: Send DelayBot a private message
(DelayBot) <time> <stream> <topic> <message>
streams or topics with spaces need to be replaced with underscores
ie DelayBot <time> 455_Broadway hey_everyone <message>

Accepted <time> Formats
block: 1h45m30s || 1d --> now + 1hr 45mins 30sec || now + 1day
24hr: 08:45:59 || 23:45
12hr: 8:45:59am || 12:45pm
single: 8am || 12pm
valid meridiems: am, a.m., AM, A.M. note that DelayBot uses Eastern Time, as Recurse Center is in New York