This is project aims to provide a complete set of tools and structure to solve the enjoyable ‘Project Euler’ problems.  Its hopefully also a useful way of learning to code:

In this project at the moment I aim to provide:

-a program that will create a database of all Project Euler problems, their info, images and how many people have solved them, locally through (ethically?) scraping the site.

-a storage section for storing your/my Project Euler solutions

-a storage section for holding useful modules that can be imported into solutions and rerun

-a program that can run a test solution, post it online and check if correct. This will then update your database. Hopefully, this should allow anyone who’s willing to conduct some analysis on the data they’ve collected. (i.e., maybe they’ve found Prime number problems easier etc).

This online project will contain all my own solutions and modules, but hopefully I’ll be able to set up a zip or script or something, that just creates the environment locally for anyone who downloads it!
