Mobile Engineer Colombian Google Developer Expert for Android. Founder and Organizer of @MedellinAndroid
Pinned Repositories
This is a simple sample project that shows how to implement android's permissions using new Register Activity for Result API to ask for a given permission
Wrapper for handling nearby device messages in an Android App using RxJava Observables.
A small project to play a bit with shaders in Flutter
A simple app which consumes a REST service from Coinmarketcap API
Simple Kotlin app to schedule events and list them using new architecture components: Room, LiveData and ViewModels. Base app build.gradle setup was taken from Riggaroo's countdown app (Dagger2 Config)
This is a project used to implement and explain several topics in Android Development. The idea is to share through different commits and branches different implementations regarding the use of frameworks, patterns and good practices. Almost all of the work will have some written articles trying to explain everything. I'm going to be documenting all the process in one article that references every branch of this repo.
This project shows how to use a SnapHelper to snap the contents of a recycler view to the start, center or end.
This is a sample of how to leverage the easy of use of ViewPager2 API to implement an on boargind section of an Android app easily.
cdmunoz's Repositories
A simple app which consumes a REST service from Coinmarketcap API
This is a project used to implement and explain several topics in Android Development. The idea is to share through different commits and branches different implementations regarding the use of frameworks, patterns and good practices. Almost all of the work will have some written articles trying to explain everything. I'm going to be documenting all the process in one article that references every branch of this repo.
A small project to play a bit with shaders in Flutter
This is a simple sample project that shows how to implement android's permissions using new Register Activity for Result API to ask for a given permission
Simple Kotlin app to schedule events and list them using new architecture components: Room, LiveData and ViewModels. Base app build.gradle setup was taken from Riggaroo's countdown app (Dagger2 Config)
This project shows how to use a SnapHelper to snap the contents of a recycler view to the start, center or end.
This is a sample of how to leverage the easy of use of ViewPager2 API to implement an on boargind section of an Android app easily.
A Flutter project to explore the use of Dart and Flutter. It connects to The Meal DB API ( to get the info of available meals recipes. You can navigate to a specific Meal Category or even use the Searching box to get a Meal Recipe by name.
A simple app in Kotlin to show a general behavior: a main screen with a list of images, then after tapping on an image a new screen is shown with the detail, in this case, the image in a larger size. This app is a base example to a basic Kotlin training to show how easy an Android app could be implemented using Kotlin. It is based on Antonio Leiva's example.
A simple Android app in Kotlin to list the top movies of the year and then a movie detail using The Movie Database API and with a simple architecture of MVVM + LiveDate + Room
Test of a shimmer implementation using Jetpack Compose
Android Developer Roadmap 2020
Samples for Android Architecture Components.
A community-curated list of conferences around the world for Android developers.
This is an Android App that allows to create, query, update and delete (CRUD) a contact. The app is implemented using Android Architecture Components - MVVM and Room. As a note, it is not integrated with phone contacts. It has its own database.
A simple and friendly MVVM project showing how to implement new ViewModel approach using LiveData to store a response and survive configuration changes using new LifecycleActivity. It consumes a Google's Books Api to get the first ten items given a search query.
A simple project to show a list of elements with an item details using some Jetpack's components.
Native Android app for Habitica
A small project to setup a simple CI for Flutter projects
Iterable's Flutter Plugin
Base project based on The Movie DB API for EAFIT's Android Dev training course
A simple project that consumes a webservice from Marvel's API to list some Marvel's heroes. This is just a simple app to use Dagger and RxJava under a MVP approach. Could be expanded in the future to see the detail of a hero or to do a different query to list other different heroes.
A simple project that queries a list of movies on MovieDB database
Ride-Sharing Uber Lyft Android App - Learn to build a ride-sharing Android app like Uber, Lyft - Open-Source Project By MindOrks
This project shows how to connect to Spotify's API to show the top ten artist given a country, then the top ten songs of an artist. The app will be the foundation to show how to apply dependency injection using dagger2 for android as a live code activity for Medellin Android's MeetUp. The items used in the app have been taken fro free from
Una simple aplicación en Java que consume los servicios del API público de The Movie DB. Tiene fines educativos, sirviendo como proyecto base para mostrar paso a paso como ir migrandolo completamente a Kotlin
This repo is a sample with Flutter in which I'm trying to learn some Dart's and Flutter concepts trying to replicate the behavior of an Expanding Collection from this particular project: Currently I'm using a basic implementation of BLoc with notifiers and listeners.