
core, because it's simple, resize, because it serves resized versions of your images

Primary LanguageGo


core, because it's simple, resize, because it serves resized versions of your images

coresize aims to be a small server that can load images from local disk or S3 and serve resized and aligned versions of those images "on the fly". Here's what it supports:

  • Serve images directly from S3
  • Cache images locally to skip the S3 roundtrip next request
  • Specify width and height of new image
  • Specify alignment of image in new canvas (top, center, bottom, left, center, right)

CLI usage

Usage of coresize:
  -port=8080: Port to listen on
  -aws-client-key="": Only used when pull-from=s3
  -bucket="": S3 bucket
  -v=false: Be more verbose

GET /v1/i/:filename

Serves a file resized on-the-fly to the right format.


  • filename (string) Filename to render

Query string parameters:

  • width (int) Width of rendered image
  • height (int) Height of rendered image
  • align (enum{tl,tc,tr,cl,cc,cr,bl,bc,br}) How to align image
    • First character is x axis alignment {top, center, bottom}
    • Second character is y axis alignment {left, center, right}
|tl    tc    tr|
|              |
|cl    cc    cr|
|              |
|bl    bc    br|

Example request:


Example response:

Some nice binary :D
