#cdnjs library importer using python

Now only support NPM package

Environment setting:

You should open importer.py and set your own cdnjs_path and minify_path variables


python importer.py [-h] --lib-name LIB_NAME --git-url GIT_URL [--npm-pkg NPM_PKG] --lib-author LIB_AUTHOR --issue-num ISSUE_NUM

cdnjs importer

optional arguments:

-h, --help                              # show this help message and exit

--lib-name LIB_NAME, -l LIB_NAME        # The library name wanted to import to cdnjs

--git-url GIT_URL, -g GIT_URL           # The git repository url of the library

--npm-pkg NPM_PKG, -n NPM_PKG           # The npm package name of the library

--lib-author LIB_AUTHOR, -a LIB_AUTHOR  # The author's github account of the library

--issue-num ISSUE_NUM, -i ISSUE_NUM     # The issue number of cdnjs


pip install gitpython

