
📃 Package logs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.

MIT LicenseMIT

< cdnjs >

The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.


This is the robot-only repository for audit logs of every action carried out on the cdnjs KV store that powers the CDN.

The documentation for each logged event can be found here.

Other Repositories

For the JSON files controlling the libraries we host on cdnjs, please take a look at the cdnjs/packages repository.

For our website, please refer to the cdnjs/static-website repository.

For the cdnjs API, please refer to the cdnjs/api-server repository.

For the full cdnjs branding and brand-related assets/guidelines, please see the cdnjs/brand repository.

For our monthly CDN stats and usage reports, check out the cdnjs/cf-stats repository.

You can find all our repositories at github.com/cdnjs!


This repository is completely automated by the cdnjs robot and does not welcome pull requests.


Each library hosted on cdnjs is released under its own license. This cdnjs repository is published under MIT license.