-- DEVELOPER MARKETING 101 Objectives:
- Increased developer activity
- Quality applications
- API Gateway
- 200 SDK downloads by 12/1
- 5 Top Brands use SDK by 12/1
- 100 new devs sign up
- Dev unfamiliar with new product
- Dev not clear on product value
- Portal not ready
- API gateway requirement
We are cash poor in the currency of cool
-- B2D
- Dev Marketing is different, even from academia
- B2D and Dev Experience (DX)
- How easy are you making it for them (paella exercise) and what are the requirements
Devs are different
- Individuals and companies
- Tech and Young and Male
- Likes to share
- Creators
- Learn by doing
Time is a devs currency, be easy and productive Your word doesn't mean anything compared to the word of a friend or colleague Best dev marketing tool is other devs Make the community personal Passionate people with high bullshit detectors
Dev Program Components
- Goals and Objectives
- Underlying Products & Services
- Measurement Tracking and Analysis
- Outreach and Promo
- Dev Engagement
- Dev Enablement & support
Being able to pivot as the pilot moves forward
Program needs to be in a place where it has the diverse resources needed
We need to take dev input seriously and capture it in a source that allows us to evaluate beyond our opinions
open Source vs open Innovation
- Can add more value and making things easier to contribute, but with API's its in inherently open
3-Degrees of Open Source
- Open
- Proprietary with open components
- Free and available repos
-- SEGMENTATION Various different sources, closer to 40+M Globally across all languages Every developer is a hobbyist Enterprises inherently discourage full stack development
Segmentation Categories:
Technology Requirements
Individual Skills/Exp
Business/Industry Focus
Tech: Native
Skills: Fear of oAuth & Security experience of mobile apps
Focus: Must be a Mobile API Gateway Customer and large enterprise
Market: NA & Europe
MAS Personas:
- High Dev Skills: Off Loaders (Off loading the work and easing the pain)
- Low Coder: Power Ups
- Architect/Pm: Value Seekers
-- ONBOARDING & GATEWAY Usually comes up too early, is process onerous, no benefits and can hide information Post awareness in the exploration learning phase Crucial to minimize the hurdles and friction but also has more control Devs are resistant to traditional marketing, the proof is in the pudding and exp trumps verbiage 92% of devs are part of purchasing decision or the IT buying process by Developer Media Survey
7 Point Onboarding Review
- First Impression - Make it easy & who is it for. Nail the value prop.
- Product Messaging - Expand Value Prop, WIIFM
- Examples and Case Studies - External Validation
- Registration - Mostly one sided and less is more
- Getting Started - Easy onboarding
- Docs and Support - Make sure support goes somewhere and is answered by someone
- Libraries and SDK - Attributing back to individuals in the community and support the right platforms
-- STACKOVERFLOW Integrate within websites, specifically stating what tags we follow and support
-- GITHUB Social graph of who follows who and identifying who uses the "MAS" moniker in projects for cases
- HACKATHONS: More people less return, keep private for best return Think about sponsoring a team to compete in very visible hackathons like Tech Crunch Disrupt