
Reusable layout components for your React project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Layout Blocks

Reusable layout components for your React project

npm i layout-blocks


All layout components support an as prop to define the html element you want the block to render as (defaults to div).


Horizontally centers children up to a max width. Can also define side gutters for padding.

import { Center } from 'layout-blocks'
prop values description default
max string Unit of space used to define the max width of the container. The container will have auto inline margin applied when this width is reached. 0
gutter string Controls the inline padding of the container 0
centerChildren boolean Specifies if the container should also center children if they do not meet the max width false


Flex row container that wraps to flow items to the next line. Useful for button groups and pill boxes.

import { Cluster } from 'layout-blocks'
prop values description default
align flex-start center flex-end Controls vertical axis alignment center
justify flex-start center flex-end space-around space-between space-evenly Controls horizontal axis alignment flex-start
spacing string Unit of space used to separate cluster items 1rem


Renders children in a vertical stack with a prop to control horizontal alignment.

import { VStack } from 'layout-blocks'
prop values description default
spacing string Unit of space used to separate stack items 0
alignment leading center trailing Controls the horizontal alignment of children center


Renders children in a horizontal stack with a prop to control vertical alignment.

import { HStack } from 'layout-blocks'
prop values description default
spacing string Unit of space used to separate stack items 0
alignment top center bottom Controls the vertical alignment of children center


Flex container abstraction used by both VStack and HStack

import { Flex } from 'layout-blocks'
prop value description default
align flex-start center flex-end Controls cross axis alignment center
justify flex-start center flex-end space-around space-between space-evenly Controls main axis alignment center
direction row column Direction flow children row


Useful to insert space within stacks to push surrounding content away.

import { Spacer } from 'layout-blocks'


Renders children in a grid with a prop to control the minimum width before rendering each child in a row of it's own.

import { Grid } from 'layout-blocks'
prop value description default
spacing string Unit of space used to separate grid items 1rem
min string Minimum width of child before collapsing to one item per row 250px