
Before we begin, let us set environment variables representing copies of the different repositories that we need. For example:

git clone https://github.com/cdoron/fybrik-workload-job /tmp/fybrik-workload-job
git clone https://github.com/fybrik/fybrik /tmp/fybrik
git clone https://github.com/fybrik/airbyte-module /tmp/airbyte-module

export FYBRIK_WORKLOAD=/tmp/fybrik-workload-job
export FYBRIK_DIR=/tmp/fybrik
export AIRBYTE_MODULE_DIR=/tmp/airbyte-module

Read and Write Workload Sample

  1. Follow the steps for Writing Dataset with Fybrik Application until step 8. In step 8, run the first command (Asset creation), but not the second (FybrikApplication creation).

  2. At this point, we have an asset for writing, as well as a FybrikModule for writing MySQL datasets.

  3. Next, we wish to create an asset for reading. First, let us deploy a FybrikModule for reading:

    kubectl apply -f $FYBRIK_WORKLOAD/arrow-flight-module.yaml -n fybrik-system
  4. Upload the CSV file to an object storage of your choice such as AWS S3, IBM Cloud Object Storage or Ceph. Make a note of the service endpoint, bucket name, and access credentials. You will need them later.

    💡 Tip: Setup and upload to localstack

    For experimentation you can install localstack to your cluster instead of using a cloud service.

    1. Define variables for access key and secret key
      export ACCESS_KEY="myaccesskey"
      export SECRET_KEY="mysecretkey"
    2. Install localstack to the currently active namespace and wait for it to be ready:
    helm repo add localstack-charts https://localstack.github.io/helm-charts
    helm install localstack localstack-charts/localstack \
           --set startServices="s3" \
           --set service.type=ClusterIP \
           --set livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=25
    kubectl delete pod mysql-client --ignore-not-found=true
    kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --all pod -n fybrik-airbyte-sample --timeout=120s
    1. Create a port-forward to communicate with localstack server:
    kubectl port-forward svc/localstack 4566:4566 &
    1. Use AWS CLI to upload the dataset to a new created bucket in the localstack server:
    export ENDPOINT=""
    export BUCKET="demo"
    export OBJECT_KEY="PS_20174392719_1491204439457_log.csv"
    export FILEPATH=$FYBRIK_DIR/samples/notebook/PS_20174392719_1491204439457_log.csv
    export REGION=theshire
    aws configure set aws_access_key_id ${ACCESS_KEY} && aws configure set aws_secret_access_key ${SECRET_KEY}
    aws configure set region ${REGION}
    aws --endpoint-url=${ENDPOINT} s3api create-bucket --bucket ${BUCKET} --region ${REGION} --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=${REGION}
    aws --endpoint-url=${ENDPOINT} s3api put-object --bucket ${BUCKET} --key ${OBJECT_KEY} --body ${FILEPATH}
  5. run:

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: paysim-csv
    type: Opaque
      access_key: "${ACCESS_KEY}"
      secret_key: "${SECRET_KEY}"

    Next, register the data asset itself in the data catalog. We use port-forwarding to send asset creation requests to the Katalog connector.

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: katalog.fybrik.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Asset
      name: paysim-csv
        name: paysim-csv
        dataFormat: csv
          name: s3
            endpoint: "http://localstack.fybrik-airbyte-sample.svc.cluster.local:4566"
            bucket: "demo"
            object_key: "PS_20174392719_1491204439457_log.csv"
        name: Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection
        geography: theshire
          Purpose.finance: true
          - name: nameOrig
              PII.Sensitive: true
          - name: oldbalanceOrg
              PII.Sensitive: true
          - name: newbalanceOrig
              PII.Sensitive: true
          - name: amount
              toBeCopied: true
  6. Before creating the governance policy, make sure that there is no other policy with the same name:

    kubectl delete cm sample-policy -n fybrik-system --ignore-not-found=true
  7. Create a file named sample-policy.rego with the following contents:

    package dataapi.authz
    rule[{"action": {"name":"RedactAction", "columns": column_names}, "policy": description}] {
      description := "Redact columns tagged as PII.Sensitive in datasets tagged with Purpose.finance = true"
      input.action.actionType == "read"
      column_names := [input.resource.metadata.columns[i].name | input.resource.metadata.columns[i].tags["PII.Sensitive"]]
      count(column_names) > 0
    rule[{"action": {"name":"AddCurrencyAction", "columns": column_names}, "policy": description}] {
      description := "copy column with toBeCopied = true"
      input.action.actionType == "read"
      column_names := [input.resource.metadata.columns[i].name | input.resource.metadata.columns[i].tags["toBeCopied"]]
      count(column_names) > 0
  8. Run:

    kubectl -n fybrik-system create configmap sample-policy --from-file=sample-policy.rego
    kubectl -n fybrik-system label configmap sample-policy openpolicyagent.org/policy=rego
    while [[ $(kubectl get cm sample-policy -n fybrik-system -o 'jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.openpolicyagent\.org/policy-status}') != '{"status":"ok"}' ]]; do echo "waiting for policy to be applied" && sleep 5; done
  9. Create a namespace called fybrik-workload. Our workload creates and deletes FybrikApplications, so we need to grant workloads running in fybrik-workload proper permission:

    kubectl create ns fybrik-workload
    kubectl apply -f $FYBRIK_WORKLOAD/rbac.yaml
  10. At this point, everything should be in place. We have the assets, FyrbikModule-s, governance policy. We are ready to run a workload job. This job creates a FybrikApplication, waits for that FybrikApplication to be ready, run the workload that reads from one asset and writes to another, and finally deletes the FybrikApplication:

    kubectl apply -f $FYBRIK_WORKLOAD/job.yaml
    kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job fybrik-job -n fybrik-workload --timeout=10m
  11. To verify that the dataset has been written, run:

    kubectl delete pod mysql-client --ignore-not-found=true
    kubectl run mysql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image  docker.io/bitnami/mysql:8.0.32-debian-11-r0 --namespace fybrik-airbyte-sample --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --command -- bash
    mysql -h mysql.fybrik-airbyte-sample.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
  12. In a mysql client shell prompt insert the following commands to show the newly created dataset:

    use test;
    show tables;
    select * from demo;