clojure-hadoop A library to assist in writing Hadoop MapReduce jobs in Clojure. by Stuart Sierra For stable releases, see For more information on Clojure, on Hadoop, Also see my presentation about this library at Copyright (c) Stuart Sierra, 2009. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file LICENSE.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. DEPENDENCIES This library requires Java 6 JDK, Building from source requires Leiningen, BUILDING If you downloaded the library distribution as a .zip or .tar file, everything is pre-built and there is nothing you need to do. If you downloaded the sources from Git, then you need to run the build with Leiningen. In the top-level directory of this project, run: lein jar This compiles and builds the JAR file. RUNNING THE EXAMPLES & TESTS After building, copy the file from clojure-hadoop-${VERSION}.jar to something short, like "examples.jar". Each of the *.clj files in the test/clojure_hadoop/examples directory contains instructions for running that example. The wordcount examples can also be run via the "lein test" command. USING THE LIBRARY IN HADOOP After building, include the "clojure-hadoop-${VERSION}.jar" file in the lib/ directory of the JAR you submit as your Hadoop job. DEPENDING ON THE LIBRARY WITH MAVEN You can depend on clojure-hadoop in your Maven 2 projects by adding the following lines to your pom.xml: <dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>clojure-hadoop</groupId> <artifactId>clojure-hadoop</artifactId> <version>${VERSION}</version> </dependency> ... </dependencies> ... <repositories> ... <repository> <id>clojars</id> <url> </url> </repository> ... </repositories> USING THE LIBRARY This library provides different layers of abstraction away from the raw Hadoop API. Layer 1: clojure-hadoop.imports Provides convenience functions for importing the many classes and interfaces in the Hadoop API. Layer 2: clojure-hadoop.gen Provides gen-class macros to generate the multiple classes needed for a MapReduce job. See the example file "wordcount1.clj" for a demonstration of these macros. Layer 3: clojure-hadoop.wrap clojure-hadoop.wrap: provides wrapper functions that automatically convert between Hadoop Text objects and Clojure data structures. See the example file "wordcount2.clj" for a demonstration of these wrappers. Layer 4: clojure-hadoop.job Provides a complete implementation of a Hadoop MapReduce job that can be dynamically configured to use any Clojure functions in the map and reduce phases. See the example file "wordcount3.clj" for a demonstration of this usage. Layer 5: clojure-hadoop.defjob A convenient macro to configure MapReduce jobs with Clojure code. See the example files "wordcount4.clj" and "wordcount5.clj" for demonstrations of this macro. NOTES * README.txt changed to reflect the Leiningen build process (Roman Scherer).