
An interpreter for a small ML-ish language

Primary LanguageRust


This is an interpreter for a small pure functional programming language based on the simply-typed lambda calculus with type inference. Syntax is loosely based on Elm.


You will need cargo and rustc installed. You can get them here using the rustup tool.


cargo test will run all tests. cargo test --test skeptic will only test the examples in this file.


Clone this repository and navigate to this directory in a terminal. Start the REPL with

$ cargo run

Within the REPL, you can declare a new type or enter an expression to evaluate. Aside from this, all commands begin with :: :exit to exit the REPL, :type followed by an expression to ask the type of that expression, and :help for help.



For now, integers are the only supported numeric type. Built-in arithmetic operations can be used with Scheme-style prefix notation:

> + 5 5
> * (// 18 3) (- (+ 4 5) (% 6 4))


> if (> 100 0) then True else False


Functions are expressed as lambdas. All functions are curried and take exactly one argument.

> (\x -> * x x) 5
> (\x -> \y -> - x y) 5
\y -> (- 5 y)
> (\x -> \y -> - x y) 5 10

A value bound as the argument of a lambda must have the same concrete type throughout the body of the expression. For instance the identity function can be applied to an Int or a Bool, but not both:

> (\f -> f 5) (\x -> x)
> (\f -> f True) (\x -> x)
> (\f -> (if f True then f 5 else f 0)) (\x -> x)
Type error: Bool != Int

Let expressions

Can be used to define a variable within the body of a particular expression.

> let x = 10 in < x 5

This is the only way to define a recursive function at present:

> let fact = (\x -> (if (< x 1) then 1 else * x (fact (- x 1)))) in fact 8

A value bound in a let expression can be used polymorphically within the body of the expression. Here the identity function is applied to both an Int and a Bool:

> let id = (\x -> x) in (if id True then id 5 else id 0)

A let expression without a body will continue the binding for the rest of the REPL session:

> let id = \x -> x
> if id True then id 5 else id 0
> let fact = (\x -> (if (< x 1) then 1 else * x (fact (- x 1))))
> fact 8

Algebraic data types (aka union types)

You can define sum and product types in the REPL, and use values of these types via pattern matching. I haven't implemented proper exhaustiveness checking yet, so case expressions must start with a default value immediately following the of.

> type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
> let foo = \x -> case x of 100; Just Nothing -> 5; Just (Just y) -> (* y y);
> foo Nothing
> foo (Just Nothing)
> foo (Just (Just 8))
> type Pair a b = Pair a b
> case (Pair 7 6) of 5; Pair y z -> - y z

Recursive types, eg List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) are not yet supported.

Multi-line expressions

Whitespace does not affect evaluation. End a line with \ to continue the expression on the next line.

> if (> 100 0) \
| then True \
| else False

Upcoming features

  • Exhaustiveness checking in case expressions
  • Recursive types
  • Record types
  • Infix operators

The name

Botanically, a samara is a seed surrounded by a papery wing allowing it to be carried by the wind. Maple, ash, and in particular elm trees all produce these.