
WordPress plugin and IRC bot that collects votes on what's playing now in your IceCast music station

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

=== Music Stream Vote ===
Contributors: bkidwell
Donate link: http://www.glump.net
Tags: IceCast, music, radio, IRC, bot, vote, top-ten
Requires at least: 3.6.0
Tested up to: 3.7.1
Stable tag: master
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

*Music Stream Vote* is an application for collecting votes on the currently playing track on any Internet radio station running Icecast that has an IRC chat room and a WordPress web site.

== Description ==


* Poll IceCast ``.xspf`` URL for name of currently playing track every *n* seconds.
* Announce track changes in an IRC chat room and post them to WordPress.
* Allow chat room users to post votes from -5 to +5 on each played track. (One vote per person per play, undoable and changeable.)
* Configurable IRC commands and responses (enable, disable, change response text) for "Say hi", "Help", "Vote", "Unvote", "Now Playing", and "Stats".
* Report Top 10 tracks in chat room.
* Report Top 100 tracks and last 24 hours of play on web site.
* Search form allows web site visitors to query voting history.
* HTML5 audio player with current and recent track titles displayed.

See [full documentation](https://github.com/bkidwell/music-stream-vote/tree/master/docs) on the [GitHub project page](https://github.com/bkidwell/music-stream-vote) .

== Requirements ==

* An Internet radio station running software like IceCast that provides a "Now Playing" [XSPF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_Shareable_Playlist_Format) file at a static URL.
* An IRC chat room where you have *permission* to run a bot.
* A WordPress web site.
    * PHP 5.4+ (WordPress requires 5.2.4 but Music Stream Vote requires 5.4).
    * MySQL 5.0+.
    * ``php5-json`` package (doesn't come with PHP by default in some operating systems)
* A host to run the IRC bot -- preferably the same as the WordPress site, but not necessarily.
    * PHP 5.4+
    * Linux or a Unix OS on the bot host. Not a strict requirement, but at the moment the control script and instructions will require some expertise to adapt it to Windows.
    * ``php5-json`` and ``php5-curl`` packages (don't come with PHP by default in some operating systems)

== Changelog ==

= 1.2 =
* Fix: Don't repeat the same error message endlessly in the IRC chat room.
* Fix: Declare database tables with ``utf8`` character set to prevent garbled non-Latin characters.
* Fix: Only show first alias for `!help` command when making error message.
* Fix: Better focus setting when clicking a tab in Settings.
* Added: Search form allows web site visitors to query voting history.
* Added: HTML5 player launched with [launch_player] shortcode.
* Added: Proper cleanup when uninstalling (plugin's tables and options are deleted).
* Added: Admin-only ``!set`` command to change options from within IRC.

= 1.1 =
* First stable release.
* Abbreviated "!stats" output in chat room to cut down on getting kicked by channel minder bot.
* Changed channel messages from the bot from PRIVMSG to NOTICE message type. Clients should/may color these message differently and skip NOTICEs when notifying the user that someone has talked.
* Added documentation -- viewable in GitHub, in the source code, or inside the WordPress plugin's Settings screen.
* Allow voting with no space between the vote command and the vote value (shortcut).
* Allow the vote value to be surrounded by brackets, quotation marks, or whatever -- to avoid user confusion.
* Allow extra input after the vote value; stored as comment in the vote table in the database for future enhancements.
* Added tabs (sections) to the Settings screen for usability.
* Allow IRC bot commands to enabled and disabled individually in the Settings screen. (For example, you may want to disable "!stats".)
* Allow IRC bot responses to be always sent as a private message reply instead of to the channel, to avoid getting to chatty in the main channel during peak hours. Configurable in the Settings screen, seperate option per response type.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release.