
Personal access key

Dragas opened this issue · 5 comments

Shouldn't personal access key be added to Travis CI settings page? I mean you are exposing it in plain text if your repository is public.


cdown commented

I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're referring to. Where are you seeing an access key?

At .travis.yml env?

cdown commented

I'm really still not seeing it in .travis.yml, I'm afraid. Can you give me a permalink to the exact line you're talking about? All I see are TOXENV declarations.

But now I see that the commit is about 2 years old and the current travis.yml doesn't look like that at all 🤦‍♂️ (considering i was linked from your blogpost at

Sorry to bother

cdown commented

Oh, that Travis secure env is encrypted with their public key, so it's not usable by just anyone :-)

Thanks for letting me know though