
Advent of Code 2022

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Advent of Code 2022

Solutions for ❄️Advent of Code 2022❄️ in Haskell

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 ⭐ 2 ⭐ 3 ⭐
4 ⭐ 5 ⭐ 6 ⭐ 7 ⭐ 8 ⭐ 9 ⭐ 10⭐
11⭐ 12⭐ 13⭐ 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Using stack directly

This project uses the hspec test runner as its entry point, so the solutions are written as tests. Pass --help to the executable with stack run or stack run advent2022 to see options available for running and filtering tests:

$ stack run -- --help

Usage: advent2022 [OPTION]...

              --help              display this help and exit
              --ignore-dot-hspec  do not read options from ~/.hspec and .hspec
  -m PATTERN  --match=PATTERN     only run examples that match given PATTERN
              --skip=PATTERN      skip examples that match given PATTERN

        --[no-]dry-run          pretend that everything passed; don't verify

Using make

Alternatively, use make solve to run all solutions or make run day=N part=N to run a specific solution. Run make without a target to see the other available targets:

$ make
solve                 Test all solutions
run                   Test a solution for one day by setting [day=N] [part=N]
opt                   Build optimized
build                 Build unoptimized
update                Update compiler, dependencies, and tools
update.stack          Set up the compiler and project dependencies
update.tools          Install additional tooling
clean                 Clean project

Stubbing out new modules

Use the stub.py script to stub out a new module:

$ ./stub.py -h
usage: stub.py [-h] [-f] DAY [DAY ...]

stub out Day{DAY}Spec.hs modules and empty input files

positional arguments:
  DAY          day within the closed interval [1..25]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -f, --force  overwrite extant modules

Note that by default the script will avoid overwriting extant modules:

$ ./stub.py 1 2
usage: stub.py [-h] [-f] DAY [DAY ...]
stub.py: error: cowardly refusing to overwrite src/Advent/Day01Spec.hs, src/Advent/Day02Spec.hs

Override this behavior with -f/--force:

$ ./stub.py 1 2 --force
force overwriting src/Advent/Day01Spec.hs, src/Advent/Day02Spec.hs

$ git status
On branch main

Changes not staged for commit:
	modified:   src/Advent/Day01Spec.hs
	modified:   src/Advent/Day02Spec.hs