
terminal based xkcd comic viewer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple terminal based xkcd comic viewer. CLI will display the title, alt text, and image of a comic.


Installation: npm i -g xkcli or yarn global add xkcli

NOTE: The first command run should be xk c. This command not only fetches the latest comic, but saves the comic number as well. Other options, such as xk s <value> and xk r are reliant on the latest comic number (see descriptions below).

Usage: xk [commands] [options]

  -v, --version               output the version number
  -h, --help                  output usage information

  c                           display the latest comic
  p                           display the previous comic based on the present comic
  n                           display the next comic based on the present comic
  s <value>                   display a specific comic ranging from the first to latest
  r                           display random comic ranging from the first to latest
  o [options] <chalkOptions>  configure chalk options to change color of output text 
  d,                          display filepath to data storage location


These subcommands allows for the fetching and displaying the comics.


  • current, next, previous, and random subcommands have similar invocations:

    xk c
    xk n
    xk p
    xk r
  • specific comic

    xk s 123


This subcommand allows for the stylistic manipulation of the title and alt text. These texts can be stylized using the available chalk options.


  • style the title text (text above image) with title option (-t or --title)

    xk o -t bold.whiteBright.bgYellowBright
  • style the alt text (text below image) with the alt option (-a or --alt)

    xk o -a bold.whiteBright.bgYellowBright
  • style both texts at once with the both option (-b or --both)

    xk o -b bold.whiteBright.bgYellowBright,italic.greenBright.bgWhite
  • locate data store location

    xk d

The value before the comma, bold.whiteBright.bgBlackBright, is applied to the title text, and value following the comma, italic.yellowBright, is applied to the alt text.


Contributions are welcome.


xkcd.com | xkcd api