
A collection of awesome email providers.

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Awesome email

A community maintained and organized list of reputable, reliable and (reasonably) private1 e-mail providers.

All of these services, except Posteo, support custom domains — using a custom domain that you own is typically recommended for portability. Should something happen to your provider, you can update your MX records, import your mail and move on.

Provider Link Location
Fastmail https://fastmail.com Australia
Proton https://proton.me Switzerland
Tutanota https://tutanota.com Germany
HEY https://hey.com US
Mailbox.org https://mailbox.org Germany
Posteo https://posteo.de Germany
Mailfence https://mailfence.com Belgium
Runbox https://runbox.com Norway
Soverin https://soverin.net Netherlands
Startmail https://startmail.com Netherlands
Migadu https://www.migadu.com Switzerland
Hushmail https://www.hushmail.com Canada
Kolabnow https://kolabnow.com Switzerland
iCloud https://icloud.com/mail US


  1. Email is typically about as private as a postcard given its distributed nature but, do your research and choose the best provider for your particular threat model.