Shortcodes to add tabler icons to your Eleventy projects
ARCHIVED: see @cdransf/eleventy-plugin-tabler-icons for updated outlined icons or @cdransf/eleventy-tabler-icons-filled for updated filled icons.
Install the package:
npm i -D eleventy-plugin-tablericons
Then add the plugin to your .eleventy.js
// .eleventy.js
module.exports = eleventyConfig => {
This plugin adds the tablericon
Note: These examples use Liquid template syntax, which is the default for Eleventy. If you are using another template engine like Nunjucks, the syntax might be slightly different.
Args: name: string
, alt?: string
{% tablericon "archive" %}
{% tablericon "x" "Close menu" %}
offers a few options on a configuration object passed to Eleventy's addPlugin()
className?: string
Adds a class to all tabler iconserrorOnMissing: boolean
) Throw an error when passed an invalid style/name or invalid attribute
Pass the configuration object when adding the plugin:
// .eleventy.js
module.exports = eleventyConfig => {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require('eleventy-plugin-tablericons'), {
className: 'icon',
errorOnMissing: true
The svg
element receives two data attributes that you can use for styling:
You could add the following to your stylesheets:
/* Arrow down icon */
[data-tablericon-name="arrow-down"] {
color: darkgreen;
/* All icons */
[data-tablericon-name] {
padding: 2ch;
If you passed a className
to the configuration object, then you could use that to select all icons.