
Capstone React Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Capstone React Project


  • Description
  • Technologies
  • Features
  • Stretch Goals
  • Authors


iFindIt is an online web application built with React/Redux on the front end, and Node.js and express on the back end. Users can search for movies and it will return which streaming platforms have the title available.


Front-end Back-end
React Node.js
Redux Express
Bootstrap MySQL


  • Login and Registration capabilities tied to a MySQL database
  • SweetAlerts to inform user of login and registration status
  • Bootstrap media queries for mobile responsiveness
  • Loading screen while waiting for search results
  • Web Scraper utilizing Cheerio

Stretch Goals

  • Search by other categories (e.g. Actor/Actress names, T.V. shows)
  • Allow users to select up to 3 favorite services and bias the search results to show these services first in the list
  • On click, redirect the user to the streaming service of their choice
  • Refactor the entire project using React Native or Flutter
