

Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NET

reportcard-vb-project (Tutoring)

Report Instructions:

  • Write a program that allows the user to enter their subjects and grades for the semester (4 subjects and grades). The subjects should be stored in an array and the marks in another array. Your program will then create a report using the information stored in the two arrays as follows.

  • Part 1: output the subject and percentage grade for each course along with the level that corresponds to the percentage grade

ie Math: 96% (Level 4)

  • Level 4: 80-100

  • Level 3: 70-79

  • Level 2: 60-69

  • Level 1: 50-59

  • R: below 50

  • Part 2: output your overall average as a %

  • Part 3: Output an appropriate message according to the student’s average.

Look Fors:

  • Header (Name, date, and what the program is and/or does)
  • Code is easy to read, well formatted/indented, good use of whitespace, …
  • Comments: clearly state what you are doing and how → these are your voice explaining your thinking (you can’t have too many)
  • Appropriate variable naming conventions and data types including arrays
  • Decision structures
  • Loops
  • Presentation of report: make sure your report has a header/title and is laid out well using appropriate whitespace

DAY 2:

  • Part 4: Output the user’s highest mark on their report card (and the subject they earned this mark in) and their lowest mark (and the corresponding subject)
  • Part 5: Output an honour roll section (appropriately titled) which lists all the subjects the student has earned a grade of 80% or better in.
  • Part 6: Output a section for credits not earned (appropriately titled) which outputs the number of unsuccessful credits (ie the number of courses for which the student had a mark less than 50%)

Look Fors:

  • Header (Name, date, and what the program is and/or does)
  • Code is easy to read, well formatted/indented, good use of whitespace, …
  • Comments: clearly state what you are doing and how → these are your voice explaining your thinking (you can’t have too many)
  • Appropriate variable naming conventions and data types including arrays
  • Decision structures
  • Loops
  • Presentation of report: make sure your report has a header/title and is laid out well using appropriate whitespace