
First Python script - GAE Blackjack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Blackjack on the Google App Engine with a web-based interface.


The Google App Engine SDK is required to run this program.

dev_appserver.py /path/to/blackjack


The API has the following operations. All operations return a JSON response with basic, non-targeted game state information.

POST /api/v1/games

Begins a new game with the player identified by a player_name parameter if provided.

GET /api/v1/games

Returns basic state information about the game with ID in the header Bj-Gid.

PATCH /api/v1/games

With a Bj-Gid header identifying the game, the Bj-Action header can be either "hit" or "stand". This call will also resolve game end when every player stands (but not on bust).


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.