

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

CF Toteboard

toteboard sketch

Each race shows:

  • the "WIN" (finish place of 1) horse and payoff values
  • the "PLACE" (finish place of 2) horse and payoff values
  • the "SHOW" (finish place of 3) horse and their "payoff" values
  • the "also rans" who did not finish in the top 3
  • the "scratched" horses with a scratch value of true


Contains all the races to display:


Contains details for each completed race



And so on and so forth (there are about 50 races across a few days)


Task Time
Researched/selected project framework. 1h00m
Learned/experimented with Symfony. 2h00m
Established basic data model through API exploration. 0h30m
Set up basic API consumer (WIP). 0h30m
Set up basic Race Day & Race selection. 1h00m
Add Race entry processing to API consumer and board. 1h00m
Mark up and style frontend. 0h30m
Add basic API call data "caching". 0h30m
Total 7h00m