
Terminal Game to play blackjack built with python

Primary LanguagePython

Black Jack Game

| Corey Duke, Marjorie Gilles, Jaime Parra Velez | 11/23/2021 | Team Project | Readme created by Corey Duke as instruction to the team.

Table of contents

  1. Instructions
  2. Issues


  1. We will each be responsible for different parts of the game. Each of us will work within our own branch. You can merge the program description, psuedo code and IPO from the main branch into your own branch. Once you have your part of the program working, you can merge it into the -- "testmain" -- branch. We will use this to test the program before we make the final merge it into the main branch.


Look into the issues section to see what we each have to work on.

Filter issues assigned to you

In the repository, select the Issues tab. Choose the Assignee drop down. Select your username from the list.

After cloning this remote repository from GitHub to a local repository,complete the following steps in the local repository:

Set your user name and email using the git config command. E.g. git config user.name "your name" and git config user.email "your email address". Check that the correct username and email is set using the git config -l command. This needs to be done every time the remote repository is cloned to a local repository.

Switch to the your personal branch. E.g. git switch marjdevelop or git switch jarrdevelop

Completing your sections and merging instructions

Steps to complete changes to your section

  1. In the GitHub Project Board, move the issue from the To do column to the In progress column.
  2. Switch to the testmain branch and execute a git pull to get the latest code from the remote repository.
  3. Switch to YOUR BRANCH and execute a git merge testmain to get the latest code from the remote repository.
  4. When the changes are complete:
    1. test the changes
    2. add the file(s) to the staging area
    3. commit the changes
    4. push YOUR branch to the remote repository
  5. Close the assigned GitHub issue.

Close an Issue

  1. In the repository, select the Issues tab.
  2. Select the issue that needs to assigned to one or more group members.
  3. Enter closing details in the Write tab.
  4. Choose Close and comment.