
Convert a Git repo into a ChatGPT prompt!

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


git2gpt is a command-line utility that converts a Git repository to text for loading into ChatGPT and other NLP models. The output text file represents the Git repository in a structured format. You can add a .gptignore file to your repos to have git2gpt ignore certain files, or a .gptselect file to specifically include only certain files. The text is prefixed with a preamble that explains to the AI what the text is:

The following text is a Git repository with code. The structure of the text are sections that begin with ----, followed by a single line containing the file path and file name, followed by a variable amount of lines containing the file contents. The text representing the Git repository ends when the symbols --END-- are encountered. Any further text beyond --END-- are meant to be interpreted as instructions using the aforementioned Git repository as context.


First, make sure you have the Go programming language installed on your system. You can download it from the official Go website.

To install the git2gpt utility, run the following command:

go install github.com/chand1012/git2gpt@latest

This command will download and install the git2gpt binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. Make sure your $GOPATH/bin is included in your $PATH to use the git2gpt command.


To use the git2gpt utility, run the following command:

git2gpt [flags] /path/to/git/repository

Ignoring Files

By default, your .git directory and your .gitignore files are ignored. Any files in your .gitignore are also skipped. If you want to change this behavior, you should add a .gptignore file to your repository. The .gptignore file should contain a list of files and directories to ignore, one per line. The .gptignore file should be in the same directory as your .gitignore file. Please note that this overwrites the default ignore list, so you should include the default ignore list in your .gptignore file if you want to keep it.

Selecting Files

If you want to include only specific files or directories, you can use a .gptselect file. This file should contain a list of files and directories to include, one per line. The .gptselect file should be in the root directory of your repository. When a .gptselect file is used, only the files and directories specified in it will be processed, overriding the ignore rules.


  • -p, --preamble: Path to a text file containing a preamble to include at the beginning of the output file.
  • -o, --output: Path to the output file. If not specified, will print to standard output.
  • -e, --estimate: Estimate the tokens of the output file. If not specified, does not estimate.
  • -j, --json: Output to JSON rather than plain text. Use with -o to specify the output file.
  • -i, --ignore: Path to the .gptignore file. If not specified, will look for a .gptignore file in the same directory as the .gitignore file.
  • -s, --select: Path to the .gptselect file. If not specified, will look for a .gptselect file in the root directory of the repository.
  • -g, --ignore-gitignore: Ignore the .gitignore file.
  • -c, --scrub-comments: Remove comments from the output file to save tokens.

File Selection Priority

When processing files, git2gpt follows this priority order:

  1. If a .gptselect file is present or specified with the -s flag, only files matching the patterns in this file are processed.
  2. If no .gptselect file is used, files are processed based on the ignore rules: a. Files matching patterns in .gptignore (if present) are ignored. b. Files matching patterns in .gitignore are ignored (unless -g flag is used). c. The .git directory, .gitignore, .gptignore, and .gptselect files are always ignored.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute, please submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


git2gpt is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.