- 5
Exception when alarm goes off
#5 opened by ninjas28 - 8
Protocol documentation
#27 opened by antirez - 9
How to Connect Via USB and Linux
#31 opened by adamjvr - 7
decoding the flag,unit and event data
#28 opened by davidcarlsonSEE - 5
BLE client command error
#30 opened by davidcarlsonSEE - 3
Issues on Radiacode 102 via USB
#10 opened by leandroalbero - 3
Questions about how you created this
#4 opened by JoshuaKimsey - 7
Contents of the byte array requests
#25 opened by davidcarlsonSEE - 1
Some addition for writing calibration into device.
#26 opened by Am6er - 1
- 6
- 7
Stop work after update RC-101
#20 opened by slimpdev - 3
USBError UDEV rules?
#11 opened by assada - 2
PyPI release
#18 opened by GuenterQuast - 0
Document units for class fields
#16 opened by Lalufu - 1
- 1
- 5
Ubuntu USB
#7 opened by rhandorf - 5
spectrum decoding not reliable with RC-102
#9 opened by ckuethe - 6