- Because Nano sucks.
- Because Emacs sucks.
- Because Rust sucks.
May the best man vim.
npm install
node --expose-gc ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node ./src/server/index.ts
ts-node src/index.ts 2> out
// Run the server
// REMEMBER THE PID you goon
TICK=50 SERVER=true node --expose-gc --perf-basic-prof-only-functions ./build/test.js &
// Run the client
PLAYER_COUNT=20 SERVER=false node ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node ./src/test.ts
// Run Perf for 100 seconds
sudo perf record -F 99 -p $PID -g -- sleep 100
sudo chown root /tmp/perf-$PID
sudo perf script > nodestacks
// Navigate to FlameGraph github.
./stackcollapse-perf.pl < ../path/to/nodestacks | ./flamegraph.pl --colors js > ../node-flamegraph.svg